
Is it a ghost? HELP ME!

by  |  earlier

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ok now like seriously when i was in bed last night like at 1:00 (it was still night) i felt like a thing pulling my hair, the night before i had played a game with my 5 friends that you have to run around a tree five times and read ghost stuff and say there words. i did'nt know it would attract ghost! but was it? i really need to know, incase it is one, to move out of the house! HELP!




  1. Relax, Connie, your hair was probably just falling off of your pillow.  It is possible that you attracted a spirit, but highly unlikely.  If you're not sure, maybe you should pick up a Ouji board and ask if anyone is present.  If you're scared, have your friends join you.  

  2. Very doubtful.  It was a case of over-active imagination and tiredness.

  3. There's no such thing as ghosts.

    Now, let Elsie the Psychic Atheist tell you what really happened.

    (((Focusing  crysal ball.)))

    All right it's rather dark, but it looks like a few strands of hair got caught under your pillow as you rolled over.  The weight of your head trapped a few hairs. Also, you were a bit restless, some of your hair was against the bed side table, and then your arm was pressing on that same table so you were technically pulling your own hair.

    Hang on now, there's no such thing as psychics!

  4. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i feel is a ghost.RUN! RUN!!!!!

  5. i think you upset a ghost. tell him/her your sorry.

  6. it might be but just incase it is bring in ur local preist of church and ask him to recite a few prayers and just pray to God to let the ghost be gone :) it will be alright:)  GOOD LUCK!  

  7. hahahahahahaha

  8. Calm down! Its probably just one of your friends being an ***, Don't worry!

  9. it is not a ghost no human being has the power to die and turn back into life in spirit form .. only jesus and he is God so um yea and i dont think God wants to pull your hair.... i think it is all in your head you are just too spooked out that u played that game. think about it ... face your fear... (p.s this is my 2nd answer to one of ur questions lol !!)

  10. oh snap.

  11. Darr Na Billo !!

  12. It's not a ghost.

    there can be many logical explanations, probably your sheets.

  13. its a goast

  14. you maybe not blonde but your a miley fan that explains it  

  15. Probably not.  Just your imagination.  

  16. lol hahahahaha

  17. It was probally one of your friends setting this al up just to scare you. no worry about it

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