
Is it a good Idea to Be Homeschooled??

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My parents are both business ppl and they are thinking about switching me to this new online homschool Should they?? Mom is almost 8months pregnant and has an almost 9 m/o and it would help for daycare fee's and really they hate sending her to daycare b/c shes not good with new ppl and I love to babysit her. I'm in 11th grade..should we? It would also help for when the new baby gets here. Plus I have severe PCOS which causes me to miss school a lot for routine doctors appointments which I've had to take Ava with me b4 b/c I can drive so that wouldn't be an issue really..Schools where I live and especially private schools only allow 10 day a year to miss. In the long run I think it would be best but idk what do u think?




  1. yes i think this is a great idea your not only learning the school stuff but home duties as well go for it i say.

  2. There are positives and negatives, it depends on the individual, if you think it would work out for you then definitely go for it! Just as long as you can keep up with your work with your family commitments.


  3. Absolutely i am in 11th grade & i do an online school lol C=

    its wonderful they break it down so simple && all you have to do is devote a couple of hours to your computer each day! Sounds good?

    It was the best move i ever made C=

  4. I have been home schooled all my life and i love it. but what really matters is what you want to do.

  5. I am a homeschool parent.

    Initially, I was going to say that no, it was not a good idea for you to be homeschooled if it was for the purpose of you babysitting your infant siblings.  

    However, I fully support homeschooling and if you have health issues that cause you to miss a lot of school, it is definitely a good idea.  You will have the deluxe "Baby, Think It Over" lesson-and definitely use your experience with your siblings as credit towards Home Economics or other relevant lessons.

    I think that the program you are referring to is probably one of the new virtual schools, where you are still a public school student but complete your lessons online.  It is not the same as traditional homeschooling, where there are other laws to follow.  Since you mention homeschooling, though, know that soon you will see the socialization trolls answering this question.

    So long as you are not locked up in your closet, you will still socialize-with family, friends, neighbors, and while you are out and about in your community.  You can join a support group (for homeschoolers and/or virtual school students) in your area that get together for coop classes, field trips and other social and/or academic activities.

    I hope this helps, and I wish you the best!

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