
Is it a good idea at work..?

by Guest64149  |  earlier

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..If you have no work given to you by your manager, then to go and ask him/her for work to do?

I refuse to do this, as I think it is demeaning. If I am employed in a job, then I should have a constant supply of work to keep me occupied. I shouldn't have to do my manager's job for her!

I am working my notice period at the moment (I have found another job). What is everyone else's opinion on this, please?




  1. If you are employed and paid to work you should do all you can to help your employer.

    If we all did this companies would not go under so frequently. If you were an employer would you worry about staff sitting about and waiting to be asked to do something? Would you favour those that came and asked if they could help in some way? Or would you 'not give a monkey'?

  2. Always something you can do.  Reorganizing your workspace, cleaning up computer files, rearranging the power cord tangle, taking a paper towel dipped in alcohol to clean the phone and other plastic surfaces.  Taking a break to walk around and stretch will make you more productiuve on your return.  I wouldn't pester my manager for more work.  It just makes them nervous.

  3. Well yes it is the manager's duty to keep you busy. But if you go and ask for work, what is wrong with you! I'd die to just sit and earn my bucks! LOL! Jokes apart, ethically speaking, you are an employee of the company. As a faithful employee, it is your duty, that if you don;t have any work, you have to keep yourself occupied by thinking, that what more can you do or change for the company's progress. That way you will gain self respect. I am not saying do someone else's job. But you can think about other improvements or ideas to do or suggest for the company's betterment.

  4. I have a new attitude towards work these days...I am way under paid, and I have been asking for a raise for a long, my thing now is to do things slowly and s***w off as much as, i say no dont help her.

  5. If you plan on leaving anyway why really should you care. Just do what is expected of you and try to leave on a good note. No you shouldn't go out of your way.

  6. I used to work in a kitchen at a camp, and you would go to the manager and ask what could be done.  That's how it worked!  When you got done, you asked what else is there left to do.  If you don't ask, you sit around looking like an @$$ when other people are working.  I think that it would look good to a manager if you ask what you can do, and you won't look bitchy in front of your coworkers.  It isn't demeaning, its life!

  7. I agree as long as you let you're manager know once you've finished your last job, otherwise how is he/she to know that you've finished.

  8. I always either look for work myself and let them find me if they want me or else tell them where I'll be, but i do check in the morning what they want done first, or else if i finish a job too quickly i'll ask what needs doing next in order of urgency.  But some managers need told what needs doing.  But always check with your boss first, if they hmm or hah tell them you'll be finishing off something so they know where to find you.

  9. As you say, it is your manager's job to ensure that you have plenty of work to keep you occupied without you having to resort to going on Yahoo Answers all day.

  10. it will be a good idea if you say do u have any work that i can do becuase it makes you look hardworking and your manger will like that

  11. You are totally wrong and on a fast track to getting nowhere.  You are paid to work and it is not up to your manager to keep checking up on you although if you want to be treated like a child...!  I am wonering how demeaning you will find it when you are signing on because your attitude is going to put you out of work.

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