
Is it a good idea for Republicans to make fun of community organizers ?

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Don't you think conservative community organizers and republican net roots and grassroots organizations will feel denigrated and stop making any effort to help the McCain/Palin ticket ?




  1. I think it's a mistake to humiliate any voting bloc, but they haven't done anything right in this election cycle so why CHANGE now?!?!?

  2. They shot themselves in the foot I should think!

  3. Repubs should just keep their mouths shut...they gave the world Bush and are in no position to laugh anyone else off..

    Palin!!! - couldn't come up with someone better...

  4. Back in the day...

    Jason: So what do you do for a living?

    Obama: I'm a community organizer.

    Jason: LMAO!

  5. They didn't make fun of it

    They just stated the FACT that a mayor or a Gov has more responsibilities.

  6. nah!

  7. that just goes to show how much class republicans have...NONE

  8. When will you people get it. Nobody was making fun of organizers, they just stated that it doesn't qualify you to be president. And it doesn't.

    You know you'd say the same if the tables were turned

  9. those republican trashy tramps should make fun of themselves. how anyone can support them is news to me.

  10. If Obama had conservative values, they would praise him until they ran out of breath.  He worked with churches to help people instead of working with government.  No taxes were raised.  They would be wetting themselves if he were one of theirs.

  11. They would not want people to remember that 20yrs ago was the begining of the first 20thousand of millions to start loosing their jobs, it first started with Reagan!(that was more then 20 yrs ago

    When thye laugh at people loosing their homes ,jobs, etc, it screams that they do not give a rip about people ,  

  12. Just shows you that the Republicans are a party of wealthy elitists. They are not humble and don't care about anyone that does not fit their demographic.

  13. yes. it's very amusing.   oh..I don't know about the conservative organizers...sure, yes, make fun of them too.  

  14. Yes, it's a good idea.  Making fun of people who get paid little to help the less fortunate energizes their base.

  15. No, dumb with a capital D.

  16. It's a great idea if you want to alienate the laid-off steel workers that Obama helped.

    These people are so out-of-touch with real America it's mind-boggling.

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