
Is it a good idea for a couple to go to bed angry at each other? Or should they stay up and fight?

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Is it a good idea for a couple to go to bed angry at each other? Or should they stay up and fight?




  1. depends on the issue of the fight..if its smthg tiny n can be ignored we just sleep over it..but if it really needs talking we discuss n finish it before we sleep..atleast u sleep in peace after that..

  2. go to sleep cause after the next morning they go to sleep they fogot and there all happy and jolly,...and r not fighting!!!!! me!!!!!

  3. my Pasteur said that a couple should never go to bed mad at each other so they should fix their problems then and there or just agree to disagree. You don't want to carry problems from today into 2morrow.

  4. Depends on whether or not they're drank themselves stupid. Some traditions have to be observed, even in today's society.

  5. Neither! Before you go to bed, work it out. Figure out your problems and get a solution because you'll def. have a more peaceful sleep. If you can't seem to come to a conclusion, go to bed, get some rest. Your mind will be fresh in the morning and then maybe you can work it out(: Good Luckk<3

  6. well personally i dont think a couple should sleep 2gether angry at each other i think they should wait like walk away then try talking bout it. or somethingbut dont sleep angry cus u wont have a good night sleep.

    but that is just me.

    but luck  

  7. stay up and try to resolve it

    if you must go to bed angry

    at least say i love you

    and don't hold a grudge in the morning

    wait until later when emotions are cooled and then discuss it resolve it

    it will be easier when emotions/tempers are not flaring

  8. Never go to bed angry with each other. Never. Have make-up s*x instead.

  9. well, not stay up and fight, maybe talk in bed with the lights out, it's more relaxed that way and you both might end up falling asleep anyway but it wont be so harsh.

  10. They should stay up and talk calmly not fight.

  11. sleep in seperate beds or couch and bed

  12. Don't go to bed angry, don't stay up and fight, but stay up and either agree to disagree, or talk it all out. Fighting never solves anything. Only way to make a difference and make things better is to talk about it.

  13. have angry s*x then go to sleep happy

  14. Personally ...I don't like going to bed with a bad energy. Especially when I don't live with my current boyfriend I like to get to a point where we are okay with each other and speaking more about the situation tomorrow if necessary. Sometimes it is better to sleep on things and clear your head might realize you were over reacting or even wrong (good for both people, so if they cannot let it go take the initiative). I do not like to leave things on a bad note right before bed though ...bad for quality sleep and I like to tell him I love him before going to bed no matter what because you just never know what can happen.

  15. well if my boyfriend and got into a fight and it was near bed time then i would apologize, kiss him on the cheek and hold him in my arms:) good luck:) i hope that i helped:)

  16. A friend of Mime just prefers to stay quiet and hide under the covers.

    My ex-wife said she wanted to get away to someplace new. I said try the kitchen.

    ***please re-add me as a contact***...I had the option blocked because of trolls and deleted all my fans.***

  17. It's never a good idea to go to bed angry. What if one of you didn't wake in the morning? How horrible you would feel the rest of your life over a silly argument. Some things may not get resolved, but it's okay to come to some reasonable solution until morning, or at least agree to disagree and put it on hold until a later time or better yet, if you can't agree, just let it be. You are still for each other in the big picture and would continue to be each other's greatest strength and support if it came down to the important things going on in your life. So, just call each other dumb names and laugh about it. It's a much better feeling than anger.

  18. Listen to and read the lyrics to "go to bed" by Monica

    *featuring Tyrese


    I think your wrong

    You think your right

    And all that equals up to is a fight

    Let's compromise

    Before we go to bed tonight

    Cause if the fight don't die before the sun rise we may wake up on the wrong side

    Let's not go to bed mad tonight


    Time is ticking

    My eyes are getting heavy but I know we gotta squash this

    Before it was popping

    It's time for dropping

    Copping attitudes right now

    Nothings, nothing

    Cause this ain't nothing

    Don't you know that I love you

    So start to stopping

    Think about it

    You'll see it's stupid


    Agrue about things so critical

    And you heated over nothing

    And just hang up the phone

    I want

    I wanna talk in the mood

    See we need a resoltuion

    Like that Aaliyah song



    What time is it

    I'm not on a mission

    To stay up with you all night

    It makes me so sick

    To my stomach

    Everytime we argue and fight

    I mean it girl my head gets lite

    (It just ain't right)

    I'm feed right up please

    It's 2:15 in the morning

    There is no need



    Am not trying to be mad at you

    Why you make me wanna not fool with you

    Can't you see I'm tired girl

    (Besides the fact it's a quarter past 2)

    (A girl like me got things to do)

    (So let's see each others point of view)



    I just wanna love you baby

    I place no one above you baby

    You're the only one for me

    Let's not argue my baby

    Everything you want and need

    And my baby come and take my hand

    I got you baby

    Let me be the man you want in your life baby

    And that's how I feel...

  19. Usually my husband sleeps..I worry, and then in the morning we go to breakfast and the fight sorta is not that important anymore.

    If we stayed up and fought though, I think it would cause more problems than it solves.

  20. Well, my husband and I have different views on that ... so I just kick him while he is sleeping!!!

  21. neither, they should maturly discuss and compromise,  

  22. no, make peace and go to bed happy.

    don't have s*x as a substitute. physical pleasure is no balm for mental pain.

  23. Sleepy=cranky.  We sleep on it.  Usually I'm the one who's mad and I feel better after sleeping on it.

  24. I actually read somewhere that it is healthy and totally okay for a couple to go to bed, not often, but ocasionally, angry. Don't make a habit of it, but know that it is totally healthy and okay if a problem doesn't get resloved over night. Sometimes when there is a conflict fighting for long periods of time isn't the right way to handle it. A break and sometime to cool off is perfectly okay.

  25. always talk about it. you may go to sleep and never wake up to talk about it. then it will haunt you the rest of your life.

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