
Is it a good idea if i stop school in yr 11 & play tennis for that year so i choose what my future should be?

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My dad told me i can stop school before i go to year 11 so i play tennis for that year everyday. If i succeed in tennis dramatically then i wont go to school and i will concentrate on being pro. Is that a good idea???




  1. It all depends on you.

    If you make this decision to go pro, just understand that you need to sacrifices all your other dreams so this one can come true, and even time out with your friends. If you know you can stay committed, and you have tested your games against the best players around, then go for it.

    Be open minded in your pursuit, willing to change your game, willing to get in shape to make this adjustment.

    I would recommend you to talk to some of the pros at a club in your area to get some more advice.

    My personal opinion is at least graduate high school first so you have at least some kind of degree just in case things don't work out. That gives you a little more safety room just in case.

  2. That is the worst idea I have ever heard of. Not wanting to sound harsh but, it is.

    1. What if your terminally injure yourself?

    2. What if you are not good enough?

    3. Funding?

    4. You need and education, trust me. Waiting a year will not kill you. Stuff you learn in year 11 is useful...........

    I think your dad should rethink things.

    Sorry for sounding rude.

  3. It sounds like you're willing to be very committed but it depends on how good you are, how serious you are about a career as a pro tennis player and how much potential you have. I think you should consider your mental strength because cutting school out of your life and replacing it with full time tennis would be a big change and could cause a lot of stress...but I don't know you so it's pretty much up to you... i wouldn't do it because it would mean that if the tennis career became to stressful or didn't work out I would be stuck without the proper education to go to a good uni and get another good job to get me through.Also consider how long you think  your tennis career would be, like till your thirties or late/mid twenties. I wouldn't stop education completely but just do schooling through the internet or let my parents home school me... because it is also pretty important.

    good luck

  4. No .It is an awful idea .you can still do both and work out a very prominent future.

    good luck

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