
Is it a good idea to buy a fire extinguisher for my car?

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Not a full size one, but one of those ones suited for car use. Although, I don't go camping or the outback, I thought it would be a smart idea to buy one just in case. I only own a compact car but I guess that doesn't really matter. Should I get one or is it a waste of money?




  1. it is never a waste of money to purchase something that could save your life. get one asap!!

  2. it would probably be a waste of money. but if there was ever a time when you would need one, you'd be glad you had one.  

  3. My friend had one.  But he ended up using it on a stranger's car.

    Eitherway, keep it in the trunk.  In an accident, you don't need something heavy and solid flying around, possibly hitting  you in the head.

    Good luck...

    P.S.  Rally race cars often carry fire extinguishers.  But seriously I haven't seen car fires in years.

  4. there are specifications mentioned on the extinguisher showing at what temperature it is safe to store, in case you are parking in the hot sun then take care it might explode.

    It should be secured properly so that in case of accidents or roll over it should not come flying at you or any one.

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