
Is it a good idea to get a misdemeanor convictions appealed?

by  |  earlier

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I was charged with misdemeanor larceny I owed my old job 896.00 and I paid them back before my court date hoping it would be dismissed, but the judge convicted me and gave me 50 hours community service I felt like I done good by paying them all that money in a month. I want to know if it would be a good idea to try to appeal it?




  1. I think that you should just leave it alone and take what you got!! What about you appeal and it ends up being a worse ending that what you received already. Just move on and try to learn from your mistakes.

  2. no. you payed them back and you did your service so forget it and move on. if you appeal, this case could come back to haunt you.

  3. You "owed" your old job really means that you stole $896.00. You say you did good by "paying" them all that money. No - you returned to them the money that you stole. If I were the judge, you would be doing more than 50 hours community service. It just doesn't sound like you are willing to take responsibility for your s***w up. Learn from your mistakes and quit being a baby about it.

  4. If you accepted a plea agreement, you do not have the right to appeal, with few exceptions.  If you were convicted after jury trial, you may file an appeal but there has to be a legal basis.  Based on the information you stated, I do not see a basis to appeal.

  5. An appeal is limited to questions of law.  If you think there was something wrong about the way you were convicted, if the judge allowed improper evidence, or excluded your evidence, for example, then go ahead and appeal.  Appeals courts do not just decide the case over again.  They review the record to see if there was some error or law.

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