
Is it a good idea to get health insurance if you just found out your pregnant?

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My wife and I are expecting our second child, but we've both been uninsured since last year. Would there be any benefit to getting health insurance for her maternity at this point or would an insurance company even bother with us since it is technically a pre-existing condition? If anyone has any advice, it would be really helpful!




  1. Maybe You should try to google it first ,nonetheless, if you prefer some direct resource ,here might be helpful.

  2. I think you should do some research work and some calculations here. Assuming your wife is absolutely healthy and everything will go smoothly in a delivery room and your second newborn will be absolutely healthy etc… You should pay for hospital stay and for newborn check by pediatrician, and your wife anesthetic procedure and I am sure they will put many more items into your checkout bill. What I’d suggest – call your local hospital and ask how much approximately all this will cost you. Ten obtain health insurance quotes online, here for example:

    And compare, what will be cheaper for you – to pay for the entire procedure out of pocket or to purchase a health insurance (at least for that short period of time when medical expenses are not very much likely but inevitable) and make your choice.

  3. If you can get group insurance federal law prohibits pregnancy from being a preexisting condition, so you MAY have maternity coverage.

    You are probably not going to be able to get individual health insurance, and even if you did it probably wouldn't cover maternity. It would however cover complications of pregnancy. Most states mandate that your newborn dependent be covered from the moment of birth, on your policy. So, there's two good reason to get individual coverage, if you can.

    Good luck.



  4. You should definitely look in to insurance!  Having a baby without is really expensive!  Some insurances consider pregnancy the one pre-existing condition that they'll except.  Good luck and congratulations.

  5. I would look into your state's medicaid program.  They will cover the pregnancy and birth if you qualify.  Other companies won't since pregnancy is a pre-existing condition and most have a 12 month waiting period for maternity coverage.

  6. Pregnancy is NOT a pre-existing condition. An insurance company cannot deny coverage to a pregnant woman.

    That being said, if you are low income, there are programs out there to help with the financial burden of pregnancy such as medicaid. If you can afford it, personal health insurance will definately help as it is expensive to have a baby, especially with proper prenatal care.

    Good luck to you both.

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