
Is it a good idea to get my two grade school children a husky puppy? We already have a cat. ?

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I want my kids to have a dog. Although I never had one.. I think it would be a good experience for my son especially who is a bit of a loner. Any ideas? I have no idea where to get a husky either. It is just the kind of dog that appeals to the children by looks alone.




  1. Your home owners insurance probably won't cover a german shepherd.  If you have never had a dog before, I would suggest a Sheltie.  Shelties are the smartest breed, and the easiest to train.  Puppies are very stressfull and time consuming to train, and can't be left alone for long periods of time, but if you don't work, you might have the time to train one.  Whatever breed you choose, type that breed in your search engine and join as many clubs as you can.  You can ask questions there like you do here, and you will get a ton of help and support.  

  2. Huskies are very active and willful and are meant to be working dogs.  This is a dog the kids will love until it wrecks the Gamecube or Chews up their Ipod.  

    This is your chance to teach them about being a good citizen and being a real dog owner.  Take them to a shelter/Humane society so they know what happens to dogs who's owners don't want them anymore.  

    Many pure bred dogs wind up in shelters.  Many sweet mix breeds wind up there too.  When the kids understand the dogs will be put to sleep if they don't find a home, they may find a heart and be willing to adopt a P.C. Dog (Politically Correct).

    P.S.  Bring the cat with you.  

  3. Husky is not the best choice for a first dog. They have very, very high energy levels, are very intelligent and difficult to train. In 40 years of dog training, I have only known two that actually came when you called them. You start by researching different breeds and figure out how much time and energy you have to exercise and train a dog. Find out which dog fits your lifestyle, not which dog you think is cute. If you have never had a dog, you should investigate just how much work it really is before you make that decision. A good dog trainer will work with you to help with this, and there are websites that will do the same. Try,, Then go to and find a needy dog. Above all, do not buy a pet store puppy. No matter what they tell you, these are puppy mill dogs, and very likely to have health and mental problems.  

  4. Hmmm well huskies are not very good dogs to have around a cat. They are hunters and most do not like cats. I have grown up with huskies my whole life, and absolutely have loved them. They are so friendly, but I wouldn't suggest having a cat in the mix. They are good with other dogs, but no small animals, birds, etc.    They are also very good with kids! My parents got our first one when I was 2 months old, and we still have 2 of them to this day. They are great pets, and most are very sweet.   Hope this helps!

  5. First of all. Don't get the dog just for the children, get one that is also suited to you because you WILL be the one taking care of it. Huskies are beautiful dogs but before getting any dog, thoroughly read up on the breed. Take them to a shelter and explain how saving a dogs life is so rewarding. Talk to them about the responsibility of not only caring for a pet but good treatment and love for a pet. Do your homework first.

  6. First thing to keep in mind, even if you think you're getting the dog "for your grade school kids", you're going to be the one walking it, feeding it, TRAINING IT (most important and time consuming), picking up the p**p, grooming its coat, paying for the vet bills, etc.

    Husky's tend to be a little strong willed, and generally require stronger leadership than a lot of other breeds do.  If left to their own devices they can become bossy and dominant, not something you want with children.

    That being said I think dogs are great for children.  they teach them a lot about unconditional love and responsibility.  

    Also there are lots of mixes available in shelters, you'll be able to assess each one's personality if you go the shelter route, which again, personality and temperament being very important, especially with your kids.

    ADD:  German Shepherd eh?  You're definitely gravitating towards a "type" :)  Shepherds aren't known to be quite as strong willed as Huskys, but they can still be challenging to control.

    My breed advice (aside from pushing the shelter idea), is Golden Retriever.  They're a nice big dog, but they're almost universally good with children.  Labs are lovely too but can be a little too strong/boisterous for a home environment.  Standard Poodles are also known to be good with children.   The less common and large Newfoundland are known to be great with children also.  The idea is you want to steer clear of anything that's bred for a "guarding" (dobes, rotts, shepherds), or heaven forbid "prey hunting" or "fighting" purpose (chows, akitas, pitts etc).  I'm not saying these dogs are horrible and dangerous, (my boy is a Pit mix!) but they usually require stronger leadership.  Other breeds will be more forgiving of a family environment, and any lapses in leadership.

  7. You should never buy a dog based on looks.

    Huskies are not a good breed for a first time dog owner.

    They are high energetic breed.. they need to be given something to do.. the problem is, they want to know WHY they should do it.  They are a "whats in it for me?" kind of dog, and not not very eager to please their humans.  A bored husky will find something to do, ussually a destrictive or obnoxious behavoiur... or will escape and go get themselves in trouble.

    Huskies are notorious escape artists.  They can figure out how to unlatch gates, open doors, climb, dig under, and leap fences.  They can NEVER be trusted off-leash.

    They need someone who is firm and understands dog behavouirs and pack mentality.

    I do NOT reccommend this dog for a first time dog owner.

    Here's a few breeds you may want to check into

    labs, golden retrievers, standard poodles, border collie, beagle..  you may even find a nice mix of one of these in your local shelter.

  8. 1. This is not a first timer dog

    2. Looks are not the reason to get a dog

    3. Get a dog that appeals to YOU as you will be the one doing 90-100% of what this dog needs.

    4. All kids want dogs.

    Start looking at the breeds listed on the AKC and find a dog that will fit your family.

    Ask yourself this: Do I have the time money and patience to be able to handle having a dog right now?

  9. Huskies are hard dogs to control if not properly trained.  They love to run and will run away if they get the chance.  they can also play very rough and are very mouthy.  They also have a high prey drive so it may not get along with your cat.  I would go with a different dog, maybe a lab or retriever.

  10. Never get a dog because of thier looks. Huskys are very very hyper and are "one person" dogs. They are great dogs and very smart. I think you should get a family pet. Never get a pet for kids. They are usually not responsible enough to care for one. Get them a "new family member". I would highly recomend you adopt a great dog from a shelter. The shelter workers are highly knowledgeable about the dogs in their care and will help you find one that is perfect for your family. I would recomend a  hound mix of some kind or a pit bull. Pits are GREAT family pets.

    Don't get a small dog. They are not good with kids most of the time. They tend to be nippy and a kid can't wrestle with it like they can a larger dog. If you trian the dog how to walk properly then a kid can walk it. My 4 year old cousin can walk my pit bull.

  11. I agree 100% with whats already been said. Have you thought about looking into get a Golden Retriever or Lab? If you get one from a reputable breeder they are very good family dogs and excellent for a first time dog owner.

    I wouldn't recommend getting a German Shepherd either, they have high prey drive and are not (IMO) good for first time dog owner either.

    Here are some links of breed recommendations for families with children..see if you can find one that best suites your family:

    Good luck, and please do not get a dog based on may be taking on more than you bargained for if you do that. TONS of research is key...

  12. Huskys sure are beautiful! However, I would probably not recomend them to first time dog owners/children. Usually they require a really strong handler which at no fault to you, you are not. For a first time dog owner I would probably locate a local rescue and tell them the kind of dog you are looking for: good with children, more submissive, good with cats...ect. Also, check out your local shelter and let the volunteers know what kind of dog you're looking for. Be sure to spend a lot of time with the puppy and make sure that you see multiple dogs before you make a selection! Ask to take him/her on a walk, play a game of tug..ect. Oh! and enroll in a puppy class at a local place to learn some dog handling skills. Good luck!

  13. Ditto the notion that a husky is a horrible choice for a first time owner with a cat, unless you don't like the cat...

    Go for an older, small, short haired dog from a shelter.

  14. I wouldn't.

    It's a big strong dog.

    Not a dog a child will be able to walk as it grows bigger.

    Not a dog for someone to train who has never had a dog.

    Think of a smaller dog.

    Realize too that you will be doing most of the work/exercise time and the expense for year one can be close to $1000.

  15. I wouldn't get a husky-as a breed they HATE cats and other small animals. I have a husky and I love her to death... but you have to read up on them. They love to escape and run!! They HAVE TO HAVE a fenced in yard-preferable 8 feet... they are very sneaky and stubborn-you have to monitor them all the time. She has learned to open our gate latches-we always kept them chained in case she did learn...they are incredibly smart!!!

    I know they are gorgeous-but I honestly wouldn't recommend one. Especially with the cat. A lot of ppl get huskkies b/c they haven't researched them and they don't know what they will really be like... I see so many in the rescues... =/

    I would go for a small/medium sized dogs. Shelties are WONDERFUL for kids! They are furry and kid friendly! There are tons of excellent dogs to chose from!  

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