
Is it a good idea to give up alcohol for a period of time and then suddenly start again, or go on a binge?

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I'm considering taking a break from alcohol for weight loss reasons for about 45 days. (Until this music fest my town is having) I realize that I will probably get drunk faster, but what kind of hangover affects should I expect? Is this a terrible idea? Should I ease myself back into it the weekend before?




  1. there are no permanent health risks of breaking withdrawal of alcohol. But it is better to consume alcohol regularly in low quantities than to binge by far.

  2. Depends how much you're drinking right now.  I generally drank once a week, and would have about 5 beers.  I stopped drinking entirely and gained 10 pounds.

    You must be drinking more than that to think you'd lose weight from not drinking.  So, stopping is probably a good enough idea anyways.

    Wish I could tell you how the hangovers will be once you return, but I never really returned.  I've had 4 drinks since I stopped, about 3 months ago.  Really no good reason for me to stop, I just didn't want to spend the money.  I do have a lower tolerance, as those 4 drinks were on one night and I got pretty buzzed, even though they were over 3 hours.  I'd imagine the hangovers would be like when you started.  For me that would be, not bad at all.  

    When you return to alcohol, however, I'd ease into it.  Going crazy and thinking you can drink like you used to will probably get you sick.  Binging isn't a great idea anyways, since you seem somewhat concerned with your health.

  3. 45days is great !

    I think you should put up with drinking as possible as you can.

    I'll keep on drinking all day long instead.

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