
Is it a good idea to go on runs in the morning before school?

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I'm 17 and I want to get into better shape. Is running before school a good idea, or will it tire me out too much for the school day?




  1. I think its good because it can wake you up for the day.

  2. it is perfectly ok. It may tire you the first week but you will get use to it

  3. It's a great idea. Just remember to eat a good breakfast after.

  4. I Would Say No. I Attempted It. Getting Up At 5, Bleh Bleh. And It Tired Me Out. I Couldn't Focus In School, I Was Nackared. Jogging Is Actually VERY Hard, I'd Suggest Swimming Before That.  

  5. no  i think its an excellent idea! just a few tips before u do all this:

    Wake up early  enough so u can tak ur run and not hav 2 rush in the shower/get ready then go 2 skool late. and make sure u dont smell or anything be careful!! =] hope this helps!!!

  6. Umm ok well i am a runner and i tried that whole get up early before school thing and i was tired but that depends on how you set up your schedule and you have to sleep ridiculously early in order to keep up with your schedule. Keep in mind that when you go run you have to give your body the amount of sleep it will ask for without any interruptions. You can instead switch to doing it after school you know you wake up at a regular time in the morning and well you don't go on the whole day yawning because you are tired. And when you get home you can sit and do your homework and after you are done with that you could go run come home shower and sleep. Now with running it is a love hate relationship like they say in the commercials. You have to give up watching tv or stuff like that for it so that will make you hate it but when you have been doing it for a while the way your body looks is amazing. so just do that i know it sounds like a strange idea to do but it works out.

  7. Take that run, running in the morning is a great time to burn calories because your body will use the fat for energy.  Fuel the body either before or afterwards though with a bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal the carbs will keep you going for hours and get some protein as well.

    It may tire you at first but if you keep it up you will notice that you actually have more energy.

  8. Well it all depends on your personality. If you are an early riser you most likely would be fine.

    But it you weren't then i would recommend right after school.

    But you also have to take into count that you would get sweaty so you have to wake up extra early to take a shower too.

    After school might be better for your schedule though. Because you get rest and have enough time to do your homework and eat dinner.

  9. You may feel more tired at first, but you'll gain more energy from running regularlly.

    Personally I do my workouts first thing in the morning before I go to my university classes.  I love it, it really helps me jumpstart the day.

  10. Yes, it's a great idea to do you exercise in the morning!

    As somebody already said, you may feel tired at first, but within a short period of time you will actually feel like you have more energy.  You may also find that you sleep better at night too.

    If your goal is to lose weight, you will want to restrict the consumption of calories before you run.  However, you may find that it works best for you if you do eat something healthy.

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