
Is it a good idea to handle homework, high school basketball, and a job?

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im going into high school on august 26th, im gona be a freshman. and i plan on getting a job before school starts possibly at dunkin donuts. then im gonna do freshman basketball in the winter, and i have to keep my grades high for that.

is it a good idea to hangle all of those at one time. if not, can i have some good ideas what to do about this situation.





  1. Do you need the money badly?

    If no, then I would suggest that you take "time-out" from your job when you start basketball practices. You are young, but not a robot. You will need time to relax or you will face a burn out before you complete your year. You can start your job first, and save as much as you can so that it can tide you through longer. Talk to the job manager and tell them so that they can fit you in their schedule. Alternatively, you may consider working week-ends for them as that's when the crowds are in. I'm sure they would be pleased with extra help.

    Good luck and All the Best!


  2. It depends on your personality. If you usually do your homework fast, then go for it. If you do everything in a slow pace, like me, then I wouldn't suggest it. Maybe i'm wrong and it can help you learn new skills, like muti-tasking.  If you want to try it, then do it!  

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