
Is it a good idea to keep a tank of gas in the truck of my car?

by Guest57403  |  earlier

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Is it a good idea to keep a tank of gas in the truck of my car?




  1. absolutely not

  2. Not unless it is for a specific reason and for a short period of time.  First thing that comes to mind is if you were rear ended. Probably lots of other reasons not to.  It could spill.  Just not a good idea to keep something that combustible in your trunk.

  3. no, the trunk gets too hot, and gas is a flammable liquid.

  4. How about not allowing your car not to go below 1/4 of tank then you won't need the extra can of gas>

  5. No, gas cans need to be vented in heat. One time I accidentally tightened a gas can too tight to allow pressure to escape and so it sat in the bed of my employers pickup truck inflating itself till it was almost round. I would assume that if it got any more inflated it may have burst. If you let it vent however then you have gas fumes in your trunk which in most cars is not seperated from the passenger section of the car so you and all your friends will be sniffing toxic vapors....not a good thing.

    Best thing to do is just not run out of gas.

  6. Are you talking about a gas can? Yes, that's a good idea. Just don't keep gas in it.

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