
Is it a good idea to learn magic?

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What will I gain from learning magic?




  1. Yes, if you're interested, it is a good idea to learn magick and the reasons are some of the same reasons that it's a good idea to learn German, how to solve quadratic equations, how to bake a delicious Devil's Food Cake, how to change the oil in a car and The Charge of the Light Brigade by heart.

    It would be nice and pithy to say I believe that all knowledge is useful, but unfortunately I suspect some things -- like, for example, memorizing the lyrics of all of 'N Sync's songs -- probably not worth bothering with. Still, I do think there is something to be gained by studying just about any discipline, whether that be geology or magick. In the case of the latter, the least you'll accomplish is a firm conviction that it's rubbish and you'll be better armed to deal with fuzzy New Agers who spout quasi-mystical stuff they don't really understand. At best, you'll gain a better understanding of yourself and your abilities, some of which you probably think don't actually exist.

    What you definitely won't gain is the power to shoot fireballs out of your fingertips, the ability to predict the numbers that will come up in every week's lottery or the silver-tongued persuasiveness necessary to convince the hottest person you know to sleep with you.

    Some people pick holes in it because there are elements that don't agree with their philosophy, but I recommend Donald Kraig's Modern Magick if you're interested. Bear in mind, however, that -- as with all serious programs of study -- you won't make much progress without some commitment.

  2. it good to learn a few tricks but be careful with magic it can put you on the road to witchcraft also if want to go out there and do some trick its fun

  3. its something you do if your going to learn it all, work hard at it, and use it respectfully and accept the consequences. its hard to not get the lifestyle with the craft if you want to do the craft correctly. its a path of life, its not like learning a language or martial art.

  4. That would depend on what type of magic you would like to learn.

    You can learn illusion magic which would be like David Copperfield.

    Street magic-Chis Angel

    Pagan/Wiccan magick

    With out knowing what type you are interested in, it is difficult to really answer your question.

  5. It good to know a few tricks, like making a coin disapear or a couple of card tricks. But learn too much, and that means you'll have to practice lots and lets face it, you'll be beaten by your friends who will instantly know that you are a huge geek.  

  6. I can tell you from now that you have nothing good to gain from doing magic. All it is going to do is draw evil demon spirits to you who will  use you for their personal gain and at the same time destroy you.

  7. Assuming you don't mean stage magic, that all depends on your reason for learning it.  

    Is education ever a really *bad* idea?  The more you learn, the more you know, and the more you experience - and one day down the line, that becomes wisdom.

    What you could gain from learning magic is, well, more knowledge of course, as well as a better understanding of yourself and the world around you, a feeling of connection to and a deeper appreciation of nature.

    Added:  Oh, and at least you would learn that magic has nothing to do with demons, and that it has no color (i.e. "black" magic/"white" magic)

    Um, fairy - can we buy a vowel, or seven?

  8. theres nthng wrng with learning magic...jst tht it shud nt b harmful..

  9. David Copperfield was married to Claudia Schiffer for a while, I'm sure that's at the top of his list of what he has gained from learning magic

  10. It depends on your reason for wanting to learn it.

  11. What kind of magic?  Stage tricks and illusions?  Or the practice of spellcraft (known in pagan circles as magick (with a k)?  There is a lot a difference of course.  Magick is neither good nor bad, it is neutral - what you do with it makes all the difference.  Stage illusions are simply for fun and it depends on who much time you wish to devote to either one that determines how much 'good' you get out of it.

  12. Nothing and nothing,

    If magic did exist it would be very foolish to meddle with it - how do you know what side your teacher is on?

    If magic does not exist, then you'd be just wasting your time.

  13. If u want 2. It's not a big deal whether u do or not...

  14. You'll gain the pathway into h**l.

  15. I have to agree with Crystal Clear. Education is never a bad thing. It's unfortunate that there are people out there who refuse to take advantage of certain education, because it conflicts with their own personal beliefs. Learning something doesn't mean practicing.

    Back to topic at hand, it depends on what you want to use the magic for. Just to show off to your friends, I wouldn't recommend it. It would be just a game to you, and you wouldn't gain anything from it.

    If you want to learn to expand your mind and knowledge, then I would say that learning magic is no worse than learning any other skill.

    Learning magic, is like learning to repair cars. Don't take it seriously, you could make the car worse off, and you could cause serious injury or death because you didn't take the time to learn and fix it properly. Learn it the right way, you fix the car and it runs safely.

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