
Is it a good idea to move a child from one primary to another?

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Is it a good idea to move a child from one primary to another?




  1. no that is not a go thing because once you get to really learn something there you start filling good about the people around you and making friends and then you move you have to meet new people and than make ti harder for them

  2. This would depend on several thing.  First would be the reason for moving them.  As much as some people hate to admit it, there are sometimes schools that are "better" than others in the same district.  You can often check a school's rating on its state's "report card" through the district's web-site.  (Standards can be different state-to-state.)

    Also you might want to consider the child's age.  It is important for children to have a healthy and steady social life, and it can be hard to change friends.  At younger ages it may be easier to adjust and find new friends.

    If you are changing schools because you are planning on moving the best time would probably be when they are starting secondary school, and would be going to a new building anyway.

  3. well it depends if the child knows a cuple of people from the other primary school and if she could be mates with them then why not if the child is against the idea never do it and plus if they arent then why not if they are 9 years or older dont do it if they are under 8 ish then why not they have many years to make new friends but if the child is against it try to settle back on the question because it could stress them out a lot

  4. It depends on the child. Most already have friends they are attached to and the last thing they would like to do is move away from their new friends. If the child is a loner or does not like the school, moving may be a good choice. Also, if they are not doing well in school or do not like the teachers/people in their class, moving may be enjoyable. Hope I helped, sorry it is so short!

  5. I have moved my children a few times. Twice we moved house and area which meant getting to know new friends at school and at home. There are pros and cons to doing a move during school hols. Obviously, it allows your children to get comfortable in their new house and environment before having to make friends and deal with new school routines, but, if children move during school terms they make friends with whom they can play during the holidays, then when they return to school, they already have some reasonably close friendships to help them.

    I also moved my daughter once because she was finding it difficult to make friends at school. Usually a very sociable girl with a swarm of friends, she seemed a bit lost and was not her usual cheery, singing self. I asked her if she thought she would like to try a different school and she nearly ripped my arm off!

    She is now extremely happy at her new school with a troup of play mates.

    Incidentally, my son remains at the old school as he made friends there very quickly and feels it is the best school he has ever been to! Every child is individual and you must do what you think is best for each.

    I think as long as the child has a happy secure and loving home life, they can pretty much cope with anything.

    My only advice would be to visit a new school once on your own to have a chat to teachers and the Head, and then return with your children once or twice for a tour, and ask if they can sit in on the classes they would be joining.

    As a parent I think you can sense almost as soon as you put a foot in the door whether the school will suit your child.

  6. no

  7. Depends on the situation-

    Why are you wanting to move them? Bullying, closer to home, etter education, its easier for you etc

    What is the new and old schools like? Does one have more advantages than the other, is the new one friendly....

    I moved around a lot of a child and I cant say I was permanaently damaged from it. I felt upset leaving friends but made new ones, was scared on the first day but coped!

    As long as your child's supported throughout and you feel the move is beneficial then why not!

  8. It depends on the child, the parents, the primary you are wanting to move from, and the primary you want to move to. If your child has been in a school for several years you may want to wait until the he/she is able to leave at grade level, but if this is just the first or even second year your child has been at the school, it shouldn't be that big of a deal...but I would reccomend you wait until the beginning of next school year.

    *Special note* If your child is miserable and you have spoken to teachers and administration about the needs of your child and they are not meeting them or have dismissed you, you should definately consider switching school, even in the middle of the year. It is more important for your child to be happy and healthy and whole than for the school district to have the funds that your child provides.

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