When we met our daughter in China we bombarded her caretaker with questions. She was very friendly, but a little guarded. Needless to say we didn't get anything significant.
I've been hearing from APs that have recently adopted that they offered "incentives" like money or gifts to try and get more info on their children. I have even read in some international adoption related books that encourages parents to get that info any way they can, including giving money.
Something about that gives me pause. I think I would give anything to have as much info for my daughter as I could, but I'd be concerned that they (caretakers) would be offended or that they might simply tell us anything. Without actual proof anything they say would be heresay anyway. Some parents have come back with more info & one that I personally know of came back with the blanket their daughter was left with. Again, we only have the caretakers word that it's true, but if it were true. Wonderful. Has anyone done this?