
Is it a good idea to smoke weed before or while tripping on acid???

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Is it a good idea to smoke weed before or while tripping on acid???




  1. I can not believe this... weed is a very dangerous drug and tripping on acid can be dangerous to you and all other things around you. If you are smoking weed, I would strongly advice you to lay off, as cannabis is the first step down the staircase of misery.

  2. i have to say it: you really shouldn't be doing that stuff...but since you asked: i used to. i'm fine!

  3. Bloody good idea. ENJOY

  4. Jeez, what a pack of judges, huh? I hate it when people don't address the actual question!

    Actually, I never clouded the fun of tripping by smoking, but it was great after coming down just because of the fact that the trip kept me from getting hungry or resting.

    For the edification of those who answered with the thought that these drugs are dangerous, you obviously have been brain-washed into thinking that indulging in either will "begin the downhill slide". I function just fine and have been a regular smoker for 35 years. I probably make more money than you, have a very satisfying and happy life, have never been in jail, and have never taken "hard drugs" like heroin, meth, and illegal prescription drugs. I drink in moderation.

    Get a life!

  5. No.

    Drugs may give you the sensation of profound thought, but they do not actually give you profound thoughts.  Rather, they just make you stupid.

  6. Yes, both substances bring tremendous health benefits, especially when stacked with some heroin too. Enjoy !

  7. my boyfriend says its better to drop the trip and then before it comes on, smoke the pot...and wait until the acid comes on...

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