
Is it a good idea to start donut chain In India, Please suggest?

by Guest64200  |  earlier

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We have one billion population, out of which 6o% are young .




  1. im not so sure if that wud work since donuts are so common these days, but neither do u ryt? so wat u cud do is to survey a big proportion of people in that area if they wud be interested in buying donuts if ever there will be a store that would be opened in that place and wat type of ambiance would they like the store to be.. suggestions from common people would definitely represent a bg portion of your popultion and would likely help u.

  2. You should think about their culture in therms of nutrition. If major franchises aren't there is not a good sign.

  3. Curry flavored donuts?  you might want to pass out some samples first, lol

  4. Krispy Kreme Curry....

  5. why not. i think it's gonna be a hit

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