
Is it a good idea to use a Credit Dr.?

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My husband and I recently applied for a mortgage and were not approved due to some credit issues and late payments on our credit report. The lender suggested we seek the assistance of a "credit dr." to see if we can get some of the bad stuff removed. This is pretty costly and there is no assurance that they will be able to remove anything. Has anyone done this before? Is this a good idea?




  1. Credit doctors aren't really doing anything you can't do yourself.

    1 - If you haven't already get current copies of your credit reports from the 3 major bureaus (Equifax, Experian and Transunion)

    2 - Take a photocopy of each and put the originals in a binder

    3 - Get a highlighter and highlight any account that is negative (collections, written off, older than 7 yrs, etc...)

    4 - Any inactive account that is older than 7 yrs should not be deleted from your report. Download a dispute letter from the credit bureaus website(s) and fill in the details

    5 - For collection/overdue items, if they are greater than 7 yrs dispute them as well

    6- If there are still valid debts, you need to contact the creditor and negotiate a 'pay for delete' in addition to a payment plan if you cannot pay in full. If they start hounding you send them a 'cease and dessist' letter stating they may only contact you in writing.

    7 - Do not apply for any credit while you are doing this or for the next year (ideally 2)

    8 - If you currently have any credit card or loan balances, pay them off or at least pay them down to bring them current

    9 - If you need a credit card, get a secured card from Capital One for $500 (or more if you can)....use it sparingly for like only $25-50 and pay in full and on time every other month or so to establish good re-payment history.

    A little patience and 2-3 months, you'll be on your way.

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