
Is it a good idea to workout daily or every other day?

by  |  earlier

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Is it a good idea to workout daily or every other day because i heard it's a good idea to take a break and let your muscles heal or something. What should I do? Suggestions? Thanks!




  1. (For weight training) You can workout every day, just alternate the muscles you are working. If you do abs & chest on Monday, do your arms or legs on Tuesday. Never the same muscles 2 days in a row. Remember, rest is very important. Without resting, your muscles can't repair themselves.

    (For cardio/aerobics) It is fine to exercise every day, just don't push yourself too hard and get plenty of sleep.

  2. Best is to work out every other day ,so your muscles can restore and do not get sore and stiff


    Do drink plenty of fluids..

  3. When you start out you should actually put a couple of days in between workouts. This lets your body heal, not just muscles but all of the body parts you put to use. After a couple of weeks of this, then it would be safe to put maybe a day in between work outs. It just helps to keep things balanced and helps your body to refuel.

  4. Everything you need to know braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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