
Is it a good idea write for free?

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I graduated with a BS in journalism.I ended up working in advertising operations. I'd like get a career started in copy writing and editing.

I work full time, so to get started getting some experience I thought I'd maybe reply to free jobs on craigslist. Is this a good idea?

If not, what are other ways to get experience in copy writing and editing as a full time worker?




  1. I don't think it's good to give your work away free. You may not care about the money, but if you do want to get some experience, post your writing on sites that promise some sort of payment. and are just a couple that come to mind but there are many more. You write an article, post it, and get paid according to the number of people who read your article. You can build a following on such sites and your visitors can go to whatever website you may decide to build in future and continue to read your articles there. Someone suggested a blog and I think that's a great idea too. Most writers (and I'm one of them) are greatly irritated by people who want writers to work for them for little or nothing and then use the articles to make tons of money later. I'm getting off my soap box now :) Good luck.

  2. I think it's a great idea to do free jobs. I think that's a good way to get experience. You can always put volunteer jobs on your resume. Good luck!

  3. You could also write your own blog and become famous for your excellent coverage of a topic or topics that are close to your heart or your ambitions.

    And blogging is free of cost to you, with an audience as wide as the Internet or as focused as your local community.

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