
Is it a good thing for a loving husband to give his wife good behavior points when she is obedient to him?

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Okay, since wives are supposed to obey their husbands I think it is nice that a man gives his wife GBP's since he really doesn't even have to so he is like going above and beyond. I like GBP's b/c I can "cash them in" for things I want that are like luxuries like getting a pedicure or going to the spa - stuff my husband normally wouldn't want to pay for, you know?




  1. OH Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! since when were wives supposed to obey their HUSBANDS? when i read ur question it sounded like an owner giving doggie treats to their dog 'cause they rolled over! thats gross. so u run around doing everything that he says for free will points???????????? that makes me sick!

  2. Aside from the obey thing (I don't agree with that) I think the points are a cool way to get special things. Do you do it for him to? If it is only his way of saying you need to obey him then no it isn't a good thing but if it is a mutual thing then yes it sounds like a great idea.

  3. That's a very nice idea. But there should also be bad behavior points that lead to discipline, otherwise a wife can get out of hand.

  4. I do hope your seriously joking and if your not your actually with a controlling jerk that is extremely selfish.  No one tells someone else how to behave that is just wrong what are you his wife or his lap dog?.

    You do not have to obey your husband this is 2008 not like 1875.  Do what you want get a job if your want get an education if you want.  Yes and go to the spa when you want.  You sound like a ditzy woman who married rich and all you are now is a goldigging arm candy bimbo that is controlled by the man she is with.

    If I gave my wife points she would divorce me.


  5. NOooo!, he is not ur teacher, and he is not someone to have to give u points to go do girl things like that , he should respect u as a lady and let u go out and do those things.. with BOTH OF YOUR money. I dont think its rite personally, but if u enjoy it i mean , theirs nothing to change... =[

  6. Any man who expects his wife to "Obey" him isn't much of a man at all.  

    And you're a huge sucker.

  7. what is this i have never heard anything like this it is very wrong it is just in a female nature to go and get there nails done but you need freakin GBP's i also feel it is not fair

  8. Since when are women supposed to be the obedient one? We all know men are the ones who wear the leashes hahaha

  9. It depends on the nature of your relationship with your husband.  It sounds like GBPs are effective and you don't mind it so I wouldn't have a problem with it.

  10. wow... just wow.

    Do you honestly believe this or is this a b.s question?

    Why should this be okay? Do you give him good behavior points when he does well? no? then he shouldn't either. You are free, he should not tell you when its okay to give yourself a little pampering.

  11. you are apartner ship and you are to be one not this type of thing he should give you so much to do asyou please for yourself now and then its you that are stupid for being nice etc. i mean its what you are there for to earn stuff for good behavior? wow that is dumb

  12. for one thing women are not dogs and dont deserve to be treated that way! wives arent supposed to obey their husbands thats crazy! you need to tell him you deserve respect. please please please let him know you arent his pet!

  13. Wow.... you give "submissive" a whole new meaning. You have GOT to be very young. I dont' see this marriage lasting too long.  

  14. When I was in Kindergarden, we used to get a gold star when we were good little boys and girls - never knew that grown men and women could still be into that.

    Whatever floats your boat, cupcake.

  15. This is the most barbaric, idiotic idea ever!!!!!! I could hardly believe this nonsense!!!!!  My husband and I both laughed at this idea!  A marriage is a PARTNERSHIP! This means both people are equal---no one can give points to another for good behavior.  Have you seen the show "SuperNanny"?  She implements these points systems and rewards systems into families, so that the parents can have a way to control their bribing them with "rewards" for "good behavior".  Your husband is very controlling or you are really "mentally challenged".  If you think this is OK, you are RIDICULOUS.  I still can't believe this is real!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Are you serious!?  Are you 5?  If my husband even tried to give me a GBP I would shove it right up his a**!  If i want a pedicure I pay for it myself, or anything else for that matter.  This is hilarious!  Your husband sounds like a control-freak who gets off on controlling his "little girl".  For each his own.

  17. She gets or loses love points anyway without knowing it depending on her behavior, attitude, and willingness to please.

    Best Wishes


  18. OBEY?? are you flipping kidding me. I truly hope you are joking!

    You have to be really young!  It's called mutual respect. And to h**l with the GBP's. If i want a pedicure i make an appointment.  

  19. Okay, so you believe you have to obey your husband?

    Did you sign any paper stating that you  became your  husband's property.  And for "points"? You realize women have been liberated, right?

  20. yes obey but not as a child obeys, more like 'don't be a stumbling block to him' be his helper, not his child not his slave.

      you may think it's cute now, but the time will come when you will need to think for yourself, he's treating you like some little doll toy, but that can be turned against you someday also, as you mature in his eyes.

  21. um.... no! No "loving" husband would expect his wife to be "obedient" to him. That's just retarded!

    If you want a pedicure or a spa day, go get a job!!!

  22. goodness, you should give yourself more credit. You shouldn't have to "cash anything in" love, and everything else is a given with marriage, your not suppose to "obey" any one. You work as a unit together. No one as the giver and one as the reciever. good luck.

  23. It's such a shame to see you got so much disapproval for this question over the notion of giving proper wifely obedience.

    However, I do not think the GBPs are a good idea, and this is why.

    I believe the points system for obedience is flawed because it implicitly suggests that a wife should be 'rewarded' for her obedience, rather than acknowledging that it should be standard behaviour. I do believe it is nice to be acknowledged with rewards for the little extras that go over and above the call of duty, but I think that rewarding expected behaviour sends the wrong message and can give a wife an inflated idea of her own entitlements. I don't think that is the case with you, but I do think in the hands of an unappreciative or demanding woman, it could happen.

  24. Not at all....I think that you should listen and things but only to a point. You guys are supposed to be in the marriage together...He sounds extremely demanding and that is not a good thing....sorry but that is not cool! You really should rethink what marriage is and if that is how you think it is than you are in the right place, if you come up with something different you need to fix it. :) Good luck!  

  25. How you handle your relationship is your business, but I hope you at least got a collar out of the deal.  

  26. How many times tonight are you going to pester us with your inane bullsh!t? Get off the computer and plug your so-called 'man's d!ck back in your mouth where it belongs. Good riddance, already!

  27. WTF!  

    Honey, if you don't have a job...get one!  So you don't have to turn tricks for this man like a sorry little dog waiting on treats/snacks in return.  I will pray for your self-esteem and respect.  No one is worth this humiliation.

  28. I think your husband has brain washed your sillyass and that you need to get out the h**l out.

    You dont' need a man to buy your a pedicure or go to the spa, you should be able to do that yourself. Furthermore, he should be so lucky to buy you those things after all the things you do for him.

    Does he get gbp's? If not, then maybe you really need to rethink your marriage. It should be an equal partnership, not some sick twisted control game.

  29. First of all it's 2008 AD not 2008 BC. Do you live in a Religious Cult or something? I can't believe this would happen in your life or are you winding us all up? Either way it's modern day slavery and should not be accepted.

  30. Omg. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You dont need good behavior points. If you want to do something or go somewhere you should just go. Your not a slave and thats what your bring treated like. Start taking control.  

  31. This is a joke, right? Because you may later experience the horror of the inversion if it's not. Get out of there fast.

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