
Is it a good thing if someone says that you have/create strong characters?

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I always get told this. People say that 1 thing I really need to work on is projection. Anyway, is this a good thing? Or does it mean that you're over the top or too dramatic? They don't say it in a bad way, they make it sound like it's good. What do you think?





  1. In plays, characters are what matter most.  They define the plot and the dialogue, so if you play a strong character that's probably a really great thing.

  2. Yes, it is a good thing, but now that you know you can create these characters easily, let's go to the next step:  create your characters using as your starting point the part of you that is most like the character. That way, your character's reactions will be genuine and not fabricated.  THEN add all the external stuff like the character walk, voice etc.  It doesn't matter if you're big, as long as you're TRUTHFUL.  Just about projection, do a few exercises where you hum, then open up to an "ah" - or brrrrrrrrrrAH____ on different notes.  Once you find that "Front focus", do a few lines of dialogue and you'll notice a difference.

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