
Is it a good time to get an XBOX 360 or should I wait...

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My birthday is at the end of August, (Close to the first day of September) and I want to get an XBOX 360. I don't know if its a smart choice or not, because I want it to last a good 2 years. I would get a PS3 instead but my brother has one.




  1. The 360 you want has a manufacturing date of Sept. 1, 2008 or beyond that. The 360s manufactured on or after that date are going to be way more reliable then the current 360s made.

    When you buy it you have to check around the box for the manufacturing date. (Its a black/white label).

    Don't get the Arcade 360 cuz it don't got a HDD and the 20GB ain't that big of a HDD.

    I'd get the 60GB or 120GB model.

  2. My personal choice would be an Xbox. I love the layout and the games way more than the PS3. And all those Playstation "exclusives" are starting to move over to the xbox.

    Honestly though, I have sent mine in twice for repairs, but, i get it back in 3 weeks, and you get a free month of Xbox live that will cover your time lost from sending it in.

    BUT, due to the red ring of death incident when they first came out, everyone gets free 3 years warranty, so even if something happens in 2 years, you can send it in for free.

  3. just ask for money on your b'day and use it to get the xbox and games. thats what im doing on my bday (and xmas too cos its quite alot of money)

  4. Its really cheap at the moment, so i suggest you buy it now and enjoy!

  5. I think you should buy it in October because it rates would surely come down to 18 - 20 and now its of 20 - 25

    give me best answer

  6. I dont think that the prices will drop much more they cant be making that much profit on the 360 now, Go get one ASAP you'll love it and it wont be long before your brother wants to get one too.

  7. Yeah, I won't bother going into why an xbox is better apart from the obvious amount of exclusives and downloadable content the xbox recieves, the comfort of the controllers and the new update which will add new tv-style gaming and the ability to win real world prizes. Overall, go for a 360; way more games, better content and fantastic online services.

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