
Is it a hairball or something more serious?

by  |  earlier

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My cat seems to have something wrong with her. She seems to gag in the mornings but doesn't throw up. She doesn't rush to eat anymore. If she does eat she eats slowly. This morning it seemed like she was losing her voice also. Anyone have any idea what it could be?




  1. Don't write a hairball off as nothing.  Left untreated, they can develop into some serious business. Sometimes hairballs cause intestinal blockages that require surgery to remove.  Try hairball control food, hairball treatment, and regular daily brushing. If the problem persists, see a vet.

  2. It could possibly be a hairball or your cat could have swallowed something and it could be stuck in her throat my advice would be to take her to a vet a soon as possible even if its not serious its better to be safe than sorry! If her eating habits had stayed the same and she was just gagging i would say don't worry but the other circumstancesmake me think this could be a serious problem!

  3. Well it might be a hairball that is stuck in her throat. Or it might be something else stuck inside, like a small bone, or a piece of a toy. You should go to the vet and if possible get x-rays. I hope I helped.

  4. My friends cat did the same thing. She may have siesures that just look like she is gagging. It could be a serious problem, or it could be something she can overcome. Also another issue could be her neck isn't strong enough to function normally. But you really should ask a specialist.

  5. Sound like a hairball, make sure she has plenty of water to drink, also give her a teaspoon of margarine or butter, they love it and it will lubricate her throat.

  6. She mite have a hairball

    I recommend you take her to the vet just in case  

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