
Is it a jellyfish if so can it sting?

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I saw many clear things that look like jellyfish in the sand when I went to the beach but people were saying that it is not a jellyfish since it didnt have tentacles. Is there different kinds of jellyfish without tentacles or do they lose it when they get out of the water?




  1. Jellyfish don't live out of water. are you sure it was alive coz chances are it was a dead one so just avoid them.Here's some pics if it helps..

  2. Jellyfish don't lose tentacles when it comes out of the water, but those tentacles may in fact shrivelup more quickly than the rest of the animal because of dehydration and osmotic pressure and make them not noticible.

    Wether or not they sting depends on what species it is, and how allergic you are to the venom.  I can come out of the water covered in welts whereas my partner is clean not because he didn't get stung, but because he's not as allergic as i am.  Since you don't mention any particular area this occured at, I won't even try to hazard a guess at the toxicity of the jellyfish in your area.

  3. Im not sure what part of the world you are in, but one of the most common types of jellyfish that wash up on beaches is the Blue Bottle, also known as the Portugese Man-O-War. These jellyfish are made up of a air bladder which resembles a clear baloon with a blue stripe. There are usually blue tentacles attached, but these are often eaten by sea snails or sea slugs. If the tentacles are still attached they can still sting for several days after being removed from the water.

    Try to avoid them as the tentacles are sticky and are often covered by sand.

  4. Do you mean those clearish blobs all over the water that have like, 2 little dots in them? Yes, they are jellyfish, but I don't THINK they sting, but I cannot be sure. I'm 99% sure they don't, because a year or two ago, I went to my friend's shore house (NJ), and my hair was really long then, and there were SO many in my hair, but they didn't sting me.

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