
Is it a law against riding a 2 year old on a bicycle with you, without a helmet or some type of restraint?

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Well I found out that's what my son's dumb father been doing this. When I told him about how dangerous that is riding a toddler on a bike on his lap like that across busy intersections with no protection. He yelled at me and said he is not puting his son in danger,and that I was crazy. My son's father already has heart and breathing problems. We did get into an arguement about this. Then I've found out he was still doing this when I dropped my son off. So now I let him see his son when I'm around, but never to spend a night again, just because he won't listen to me, and because of the safety of my son. I don't think I'm over reacting at all. What do you think?




  1. Don't let your son alone with him period !!!

  2. I work in the field of child protective services, so my answer is colored by my career.  I believe that he is indeed placing the child in an unsafe situation and if he continues to do so, he is being neglectful. If you get into a custody / visitation battle and you need help justifying supervised visits this would be a situation you should bring up.  I am going to suggest that you have a local law enforcement officer speak to him about how dangerous it is for the child to ride on his lap, your bicycle laws (I am sure this is illegal) and the results an accident could have on your son.  Head trauma is  a very unkind and unforgiving injury.  The best to you and thanks for being a caring and concerned mom...we need more like you.  

  3. if he is willing to pull him in a tailer that is way safer, but if not try to get him to get a toddler seat for his bike.

  4. Its really sad that someone like that managed to pass on his genes.

    Anyone who rides a lot knows that crashes happen even to skilled riders.  Helmets are cheap insurance against the unexpected.  There's no excuse for not wearing one, regardless of age or ability.

  5. It may well be against the law if there are helmet laws in the area.  It seems very foolhardy and dangerous; I'd never put a 2 year old on a bicycle in this situation.  In my opinion, you're not overreacting.

  6. Most areas of North America have helmet laws now.  Typically it says that a person under the age of 18 must be wearing a helmet when operating a bicycle.

    It is also very dangerous with or without a helmet.  When you have something in your lap on a bicycle you lose a good portion of your control.

    Even child seats on bicycles are frowned upon now, and it is best to get a trailer for your son.  Trailers are great because they don't tip over easily, even if the person pulling the trailer crashes.  They also provide a fair amount of shelter in the event of a crash.  You can also pull a pick-nick lunch in the trailer to make a fun outing out of the ride.

  7. i believe your right and i belive there should be a law you go girl

  8. That is beyond stupid ! In California the child needs to have a proper seat and helmet.

    You're NOT over reacting.He's 110% wrong.

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