
Is it a law not to drive with your dog in the front seat in AR?

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Is it a law not to drive with your dog in the front seat in AR?




  1. I dunno about arizona but in md ive seen an old lady get pulled over with a dog on her lap.  By the way why would you want to have your dog on your lap while driving suppose you get in an accident which deploys the airbag.

  2. I live in Arkansas also, and I have heard of that,

    You might try contacting the State Police Headquarters....

    Why don't people know that AZ is for Arizona and AR. Arkansas

    AL Alabama

    AK Alaska

  3. Different states probably have different laws, check with your dmv. personally i think dogs should wear seat-belts has they will go flying in an accident, also small dogs should always ride in the back as an airbag would kill them.

    Arizona Motor Vehicle Division

    Phoenix: (602) 255-0072

    Tucson: (520) 629-9808

    Elsewhere in Arizona & Out-of-State: (800) 251-5866

  4. Jeese, I cannot believe these answers. Use common sense.  Put the dog in a harness.  Hook the harness to the seat belt system on a very short tether.  Hook and tighten up the seat belt.  The AR highway patrol can bite my butt if they have a problem with this.

  5. In Arkansas,   it is illegal to drive with your dog on the front seat.   Dogs belong in the rear of your pickup truck so they don't have to smell you.  

    However,  it is permissable to drive with a sheep or hog on the front seat,   as in many parts of Arkansas,   these animals are considered acceptable as substitute spouses in the event a human woman without teeth can't be found.

  6. dont know the law but it is a well known facts that rednecks put the family dog in front and the family rides in the back of truck because the dog smells better

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