
Is it a lie to convince yourself to believe something?

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like, if you don't believe in something...

but then you convince yourself that you do.

are you lying to yourself?




  1. yes

  2. It depends. Have you changed your mind because you genuinely feel differently, or for some other gain?

    Changing your mind is ok, that's not lying. But to do so for other reasons that go against what you instinctually think, then yes, it's deceitful to yourself.  

  3. To thine own self be true.

    Usually, someone or something else convinces us!

    Before I could give an honest answer to your question, I would first like to know what motivated you to convince yourself that you did believe?

  4. "When it comes to the sharp and well-defined conflicts between the higher and lower tendencies of the races, between what really is right or wrong (not merely what you may call right and wrong), you can depend upon it that the Adjuster(Spirit) will always participate in some definite and active manner in such experiences. The fact that such Adjuster(Spirit) activity may be unconscious to the human partner does not in the least detract from its value and reality."

    "Strong characters are not derived from not doing wrong but rather from actually doing right. Unselfishness is the badge of human greatness. The highest levels of self-realization are attained by worship and service. The happy and effective person is motivated, not by fear of wrongdoing, but by love of right doing."

  5. If I know that ninety percent of what I believe is denial because I am incapable of handling the truth, does that make everything I believe just about a lie?

    I say no, so what's one more?

  6. sure. It shows how much people want to fit in and be like someone ealse.  

  7. I would like an example for this one. Like believing that you're falling in love with someone that you never thought you could even stand to be around. My opinion, if you want it bad enough then your mind makes it "real".  (To a certain extent though.)

  8. Yes,you are lying to yourself because you force yourself to believe in a thing that did not exist in your heart or feeling.You convince yourself to trust in something that will actually cause harm to you in the future because something that you actually don't believe can become worst & you keep on telling lie to yourself bring you to a world of destruction.

  9. Yeah pretty much. Although I don't see how you would believe the lie.

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