
Is it a man's right to know if a woman is pregnant with his child?

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If she were only in the first trimester and decided to have an abortion, should the boyfriend have a say in whether that abortion happens? Both morally and legally please.




  1. Difficult question.

    Obviously, there is no legal requirement to tell a man that you are pregnant with his child.  I know that most women argue that if they are terminating the pregnancy why bother telling the man at all as at the end of the day it is not his decision whether to terminate or not.

    I suppose that there is an argument to say that morally a father should know but whether it would make all parties happier in the long term is a case by case issue.

  2. Morally yes! but sorry to say that  if she decides to terminate her pregnancy then she can do what she wants with her body.  

  3. Morally, perhaps, but it's his responsibility to discuss such matters with the woman.

    Legally, he has no say, it's her body so she makes the choices.  

  4. No, unless she feels she wants your input it is her body and her decision.

  5. Not legally speaking but morally yes I think the man does have the right to know.

  6. If a woman wants an abortion; it's up to her to decide. Sad facts, but the man gets the shaft. Woman have Reproductive rights, and theres a lot of loop holes. Exam:  Who's to say, you didn't rape her? If the man wants the woman to have an abortion its "illegal" you lose. Men have no rights, especially boyfriends.

    7 years ago my son got his girlfriend pregnant. He had No say, on the issue. She wanted the baby, he was afraid, they were both young; and I have a beautiful grand daughter, which we all love very much.. especially my son.

    On the Moral side; Do you mean geneticly? or its wrong to kill? Both? because thats another ball park. I can say, I think that Fetuses can certainly have the chance to become humans, if thats what the woman wants.

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