
Is it a migraine or something else?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I was about 13, I'm 20 now, i have had SEVERE headaches. They are also right behind my left eye but cause my whole head to hurt. I become extremely sensitive to light, my eyes water, I become dizzy and nauseated. I also began shaking and nothing helps. It basicaly feels like my eye is going to explode. I have tried different medications for it, but they don't help. I just have to wait it out and it will go away. Last night was one of the worst I've had. I was getting chills, i had goosebumps even though it was about 75 degrees, it lasted for about 3 hours. I laid in a dark room with my head covered but it didn't really help. Is this just a migraine? It is extremely painful and although they used to just occur maybe 2 times a month, they are now occuring at least once a week. What can I do to lessen the pain or the length of them? I've gone to the doctor once for it and he said it was a cluster headache but he's been wrong about alot of things in the past. Today, I am still recovering from the headache last night. My eyes are still extremely sensitive but I had to go to work. I also was feeling very out of breath and lightheaded last night and a little today. Is it anything serious? Thanks




  1. It doesn't sound like a migraine to me (I've had them since I was 10) but it could be, as everyone has different migraine symptoms.

    However, migraines are usually (not always, but usually) one sided and pulsing, and I don't know anyone who gets it behind their eye.

    You'd be best going back to see your doctor and asking them if it could be migraine. Then they may be able to give you something to help.

  2. Hei..this answer is not a joke.   First go for a proper motion (toilet) and urinate on time.....drink more orange juice and plain water.  Eat and sleep on time.  Avoid alcohol and smoking...if you have these habits. Dress with comfortable materials.

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