
Is it a mistake planning a holiday in Barcelona in the first half of August?

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Plannig to take our two kids (10 and 6) to Barcelona next August but have read that many of the city's attractions, shops, restaurants are closed in August. Has anyone experienced this or can give guidance? Would not be great if the zoo, marina etc were closed as we would have less to do with the kids.




  1. h ,i live in far as i a beau place.its absurd to say that the main attractions will be closed. coz this is the only time of year ,where everyone does come .so relax ,go and enjoy

  2. I've heard that Spain is a dump; smelly sewers, food costing a fortune, etc.  I went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in Aug and it was one of the best foreign vacations I've had. Food was cheap, people were awesome, and the sights in Rio are pretty awesome.

  3. Travel to Spain Barcelona as it now has every leisure and sports facility possible since 1992 Olympics in Barcelona plenty to do in August see

  4. The tourist attractions don't close in August.  You may find some smaller shops and restaurants closed but it is ridiculous to think that the city, or any other tourist area for that matter, closes down during peak season.  There are better times of the year to come because it's hot and humid in August, but that's a different matter.

    Make sure to take your kids to Parque Guell, too.

  5. Very hot and most of the locals leave!! try salou about an hour from barcelona got theme parks and great beach we stayed at the dorada palace hotel and apts has loads of entertainment for the kids

  6. Not a mistake at all.  Not only is everything open (except Mondays can be a bit strange), there are extra attractions only in August, like the dancing fountains on Saturday nights near Placa Espana, all done to music.  With children, you can also vist Parc Guell and Tipidabo (using the tram and funicular) a 1950's style fun fair which hangs off the edge of the cliffs at the back of Barcelona.  Also, a short train ride down the coast is Port Aventura (like Alton Towers).  And also, of course, Barcelona has its own beach.  Hope you decide to go and have a great time.

  7. Yes and no. If you like to do the typical tourist stuff, you will not have any problems. However, if you like better food than McDonald's or the horrible tourist menus and you prefer to eat in smaller, family owned restaurants, you will find that lots of places in the centre are closed for holidays. Reason of course is that the weather in August on the whole is too hot for being in town and the Spanish like to sit this weather out on the beach or in the mountains......

    Barcelona in August is absolutely packed with tourists, and even though the main attractions (like the Sagrada Familia) are open as usual, the cues can be horrendous. Not sure you want to do with 2 young children...... If you can´t take you holidays other than in August, I would try to book accommodation on the coast near Barcelona. That way you can stay put on the warmer days on the beach or at the swimming pool, and on the days that it is a bit cooler come down to BCN by train and do the tourist stuff.

    The best weather to do the tourist stuff is around April, in the spring: there are less tourists, everything is open and the temperature would be around 24 degrees, which makes it a lot easier to do sight seeing....

  8. It will be hot but all attractions and most restaurants will be open.

    The city is quiet because the locals go on holiday but it will be packed out with tourists, both foreigners and Spaniards.

    Because of this, food is not as good as usual and eating out is more expensive than usual.

    Check the net. There is lots to do in August. The maritime museum is great for kids - (especially the Galley!) as are Tibidabo,(take the tram and train), and Montjuich.

    Take the kids to Sitges (1 hour by train) for a good beach, sailing etc.

    THe Gaudi buildings are interesting but expensive to go in. I recommend using taxis and walking to get around.

    The tourist bus is expensive and seems to stop too long and in boring palces.

    A trip to the Port Aventura theme park near Salou is a great day out for kids.

  9. Check out the info on:

  10. Please, there's no mistake. I'm from Barcelona. August is nice and sunny, good time to come. Don't worry about you heard (shops and restaurants closed). Barcelona is a tourist city, so how could they close the restaurants in august?. Anyway, perhaps you'll find close some traditional shops during one or two weeks because theyre on holydays (but thta's not usual in the center area). Enjoy your stay. Feel free to email me if you have more questions. Cheers

  11. You don't have to worry about restaurants and attractions, August is a big time of the year for tourism.

    The BIG problem in August is the temperature. It is +30 degrees and very humid - that's why so many people in Barcelona (me included) spend the whole month on the coast.

  12. Oh, yes.


  13. Yes,I think you made a mistake.If the city's attraction places are all closed there is noting to do except watching TV and eating.

  14. The shops and attractions are not closed, just the smaller businesses as its the main holiday month for the spanish! Its only affecting things if you are in trouble and need a lawyer, or if you;re selling or buying a house, and the lawyers and notaries take the month off. For taking a holiday then, it will have no detrimental affect whatsoever. The only word of caution I would raise is one of the weather, it is exceedingly hot in August, temperatures in the low 40's, and the sun is very intense and burning is a real problem, one can burn within minutes. Hydrations is key also, must drink lots, and by that I mean plain water, just that!

    Do you think the spanish would have August as their main holiday month if everything was closed? Whoever told you that is completely off track!

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