
Is it a myth? does yellow number 5 really shrink your testicals?

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Is it a myth? does yellow number 5 really shrink your testicals?




  1. No but if ya dye ya balls purple, it makes em black and blue *L*

  2. only when consumed in super huge quantities. and it doesn't shrink your testicles, just reduces sperm count.  

  3. no it doesnt shrink your testicles. If it did it would be illegal to use in food and drink products.

  4. No

  5. yellow number 5 ?

  6. You better believe it does .

  7. No.  

    But it has been known to cause cancer in lab rats.

  8. it is a myth.  

  9. it's could that possibly do that?

  10. No.

  11. O I don't know, maybe thats what happened to my last husband. lmao! xox

  12. While people can have allergies to food coloring I've never heard of anyone's testicles shrinking from it. It's a myth.

  13. It's a myth.

  14. Yes, so does asking dumb questions on the internet.  It also interferes with your ability to spell and use the "shift" key.

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