
Is it a myth that red cars get pulled over more often? Is there any proven records or facts on this?

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Just looking into buying a red Hyundai and was not sure if it was just a myth or what.. thanks :)




  1. What do bright red cars do?

    Attract attention.

    Just think about it.

  2. No, this is not a myth.  You should ask your insurance company about this one.  You will actually pay a higher premium for your car being red, having just two doors, being new (as opposed to 10 years older or even just previously owned) etc.  Yes, red does attract attention, so cops will actually "see" you before the silver sedan next to you.  Red is a primary color that the eye recognizes before most other colors.  It is also the first color you learned to name as a child.  

    The color on my car, according to the manufacturer's paperwork says "wine" but my insurance company and the license branch wanted to call it red.  I said NO to both.  

  3. Its probably more a psychological thing, in people's (including cops) minds red cars have an association with being fast. They also stand out alot more than other cars.

    So if you were a cop and you were noticing one particular car more than others, and the color of that particular car you unconsciously associated with being faster, you'd probably pull it over slightly more often as well.

    However if your not actually doing anything wrong, then why worry...

  4. According to insurance underwriters and brokers, it's statistically no myth.  More tickets are handed out to drivers of red than any other color automobiles.  My mother was an underwriter and I was a bookkeeper for an insurance agency for awhile so had a lot of friends in the profession.  At first it was thought that the police were more prone to stop the red cars on the assumption they were speeders, but a more sane view would be to consider red is the most popular color among the young as well as the restless so there are more of them out on the road.  However, if you obey the law, your red Hyundai is not really at risk.

  5. No I think its very true.  Usually the red cars do get pulled over because that is the car lots of 'cool' guys like to buy and they usually speed.  But at this time there are cops everywhere pulling people over just because there getting lower on money.

  6. In my opinion cops will pull over just about anyone regardless of car color.  

    However, I think they are more attracted to cars with:

    -bumper stickers

    -poor condition

    -out of state plates

    -younger looking drivers

  7. I think they are involved in more accidents, and that would add to the total.

  8. Red ones are pulled over more because it's thought they will speed more, and they usually do.

  9. No I don't think it matters what color the car is.Get the color and car you want you will be happy then.

  10. Its just a myth, drive safely, and youll be fine.

  11. No-

    it's not a myth.

    If you're young-

    don't buy red, yellow, or black-

    those are the colors of  vehicles

    that are most often pulled over

    by police.  

  12. According to, that's a myth.

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