
Is it a normal feeling?

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Okay my boyfriends been in and out my life and making me feel like c**p...he left me with the kids and I don't really eat or go out, just sit in with my kids and fed them.

Well, just now I felt like I was gonna pass out. I cry myself to sleep and dread waking up every morning...okay I know you might say its not safe, but idk is it safe for my kids.

I mean I take care of them of course, its just me that I don't. And sometimes I even hate myself, sorry if I'm rambling but my mind gose in and out like I wanna faint or something.




  1. Jeez, you're so young to be going through this, but you are and right now, you need to focus on your kids and the only way you can take care of them is to take care of yourself.  You need to be around people that love and support you.  I have been through the same thing, many of us have, and the only thing that I can say for sure, is that it's a time thing.  Try and not to dwell on that troll that left.  It does get better, I promise.

  2. It isn't a normal feeling, but it is a common one. It is called depression and only a professional psychotherapist or psychiatrist can help you with it.

    You don't say how old your kids are, but there is a certain kind of depression that affects women who have given birth in the last year or so called "postpartum depression". If that is what you are suffering, the answer is the same, see a mental health professional.

    Your children may be safe, but are they getting the best mothering you could give them? Probably not if you feel as bad as you say. If you don't want to get help for you, get help so your kids can have a better parent.

  3. i've felt that way before.  with a 3 year old son.  and i'm already on 2 anti-depressants and a bi-polar medication.

    it's a broken heart.

    and i know my son was cared for even though i couldn't care for myself.  

  4. It sounds like you need to start taking better care of yourself.

    Make sure you are eating enough.  It also seems like you might be depressed because you said you cry, dread waking up every morning.

    Maybe therapy/medication could help you begin to feel better.  If things don't improve think about seeing someone.   Good Luck.

  5. Try talking to a counselor or physiologist or even family members since your taking the responsibility you NEED to lay down the rules to your boyfriend and tell him HE NEEDS TO START TAKING RESPONSIBILITIES

  6. i know i don't wanna be here either...i spose you have children to live for

  7. You may want to talk to a pastor, and as far as you feeling like you are going to pass out, first, you may be a little dehydrated, drink water, lots of water.  Remember, you are so special, you are the one choosen by God to take care of your little ones.  I too have been in your place, it seems pretty lonely, but there are people who are waiting to help you.  Call your church, or local church and ask if there are any moms groups you can join.  Don't let anyone, cause you so much pain.  Peace

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