
Is it a one-legged race for the Coleman Medal between Fevola and Franklin? If so, who will win and how many?

by Guest59800  |  earlier

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Is it a one-legged race for the Coleman Medal between Fevola and Franklin? If so, who will win and how many?




  1. Franklin will win the Coleman, I expect him to kick a few more consistent scores whereas Fev will kick a bag one week then go missing for a couple, should be tight though!

  2. i think buddy will end on 92 and fev on 87

  3. FEV is GOD

    and will finish on 111

  4. I think you got your sayings mixed up there knacker bags,  didn't you mean 'Is it a two horse race', the other c**p doesn't make sense, hang on, they are both ordinary kicks for goal, so I guess the 'one legged race' could work, lol.

    who knows who will win, fev is a sook who cracks the 'tom tittttts' and goes  off the boil, and buddy, well buddy could kick a record score any time, but he sprays shots left, right and center. I'll toss a coin, Buddy will beat Fev by 12 goals.

    who will kick the most behinds????

  5. franklin will win, think next fevola, then pavlich.

    don't now how many though.

    btw cuddlyroundbear its bUddy and your a hawthorn fan, or maybe it could just be a typo twice.. hmm

  6. I think it is only between Fev and Buddy. I think Buddy should win if he kicks a little more accurately for the rest of the season. Fev is a chance, but he'll have to perform well consistently for the rest of the year.

  7. dark horse is cam mooney

  8. I think it will be close between baddy and fevola but baddy should if he can kick a little strighter too .

    Also it depends on the last 5 games they both plat too

    go hawks

  9. Buddy will win but only just. then Fev. i think Buddy will win by 3.

  10. Franklin will kick the most points - dunno about goals!

    Buddy-Boy can kick about as straight as I can.

  11. Yes, two horse race between Fevola and Franklin. At this stage you'd say Franklin with his 4 goal buffer, but two toughies against the Cats and Magpies in the next 2 weeks could see Franklin struggle to put it away.

    It's too tight to call, but a 'soft' final month should see Franklin take it out. I'm guessing it will come down to the round 22 Hawks/Blues clash where both could be looking at the ton.

  12. Buddy will win(110),next fev(103)then pav(95)

  13. I think it's going to be a tough one this year.

    Buddy Franklin has got an enormous amount of goals in most matches, but who can forget when he scored a woeful 1.7 earlier on in the year.

    Fevola can do some nifty stuff when he wants to but I believe that this business with his contracting has distracted him from his goal kicking in recent games.

  14. Fevola is a much more consistent kick than Franklin.

    But Franklin has way more shots for goal.

    My Prediction

    Franklin  92

    Fevola  86

  15. franklin by 8 goals, evevn though fev is pumped frankiln is just got the momento for another hughe bag of goals.

  16. Franklin's got it, mezwell just give it to him now

  17. Franklin Should (needs to kick straight) as he averages 8 shots at goal a game, Fevola while he can kick alot of goals he can also have some real shockers and kick 0.

    Bradshaw & Brown kind of take goals of each other but will be both around 5th in the Coleman. Pavlich should amass 60 +

  18. franklin definetly

  19. i think franklin but fevola still has an almighty chance he is a very good goal kicker and i cant stand either

  20. I think Fev by very little, 3 goals maybe

  21. Buddy to finish with the coleman, Fev second unless injury or suspension

  22. fevola easy

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