
Is it a part of human nature to believe in a power greater than ourselves?

by Guest55853  |  earlier

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Religions of all kinds have many millions of followers.

And others who do not believe in a God, often believe in science, alien life or some force that wields great power.

Is the thought of humans being the universe's greatest accomplishment too depressing?




  1. "Is the thought of humans being the universe's greatest accomplishment too depressing?"

    No, but a naive presumption.  As humans we are all subject to powers unseen in the universe.  

  2. Yes we all have the choice to accept God or deny Him.

  3. To your first question, I think there we have varied interests.  Some have a quest for knowledge, others money, or power, or inflluence.  We like to feel important but we are driven economically, so not everyone can purse the path of knowledge.   When competing for power and influence, the ones ordaned by God has unquestionalbe influence but those who claim to be a God has unquestionable Power. Therefore, it is in the interest of those who seek power or influence to be on the side of God. And to prove it, they appoint themselves heads of churches and order their parish to spread the gospel as it was ordered by God.

    As to your second question, I am the universes greatest accomplishment. And yes it does depress me that there is no one greater.  (that was dry humor in case you missed it)

  4. Yes--it is human nature to believe in a power greater than ourselves because we need a reason to feel we were created by a divine being or by divine purpose as to not make us feel like our human life was caused by accident.

    It gives us a sense of reassurance that once we pass away ---there is something else for us and that we are not alone

    As for 2nd question: What makes you think that humans are the universe's greatest accomplishment? The universe includes everything out there that humans dont know and cant see. For all we know---humankind could have been a mass failure which were exiled to the earth and humankind colonized.....or

  5. yes, these kind of believes exists from the first time human exists. and i also think that it's belief that distinguish us from animal.  

  6. "Is the thought of humans being the universe's greatest accomplishment too depressing?"

    Good question. I suppose that in a way, it is a slightly depressing thought.  The human race isn't really that great. And if that is all there is, then that is slightly suckish.

    Maybe it is just part of human nature to want to be part of something bigger.

    Or maybe I'm just looking into things too deeply...

  7. put it this way, even believing in some kind of religion, we read, by tapping into our subconcious we can release divine power. If we believe this, we see ourselves becoming this power. I don't find it at all depressing.

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