
Is it a rule to absolutely ONLY to have 2 pokemon types in a deck?

by  |  earlier

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I played last night with a friend. He was pissed off at my deck for having 5 types of pokemon... Dark Tyranitar, (Electric) Ampharos EX, (Grass) Cradily EX, (Psychic) Umbreon EX, (Normal) Pidgeot, and (Steel) Jirachi.... yes I only have 60 cards don't worry but is it true that i'm only to have JUST 2? the rule book suggests 1 or 2 but it doesn't mandate it.. please someone clarify thankyou =)......... btw, comment on my pokemon XP




  1. no

  2. Not at all.  You are free to have as many different types in your deck as you wish.  One thing to keep in mind, though, the more you spread your types out (especially running 4 different Stage 2 lines), the more you spread your energy requirements out.  This makes it more difficult to (a) draw into the particular type of energies you need when you need them and (b) be able to get all of those multiple Stage 2 lines into play when you need them.

    Hope this helps!


  3. WOW man your friend is a sore loser haha. anyway no man no limit on the types =D but as a recomendation you should cut it to 2 or 3 have your base element , lets say its grass, so since grass is weak to fire your second type should be water to cover for your grass. have fun man and keep kicking some can.

  4. Nope.

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