
Is it a sin for me to watch soft p**n?

by  |  earlier

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I am a teenage devout Christian. Is it a sin for me to watch soft p**n (i mean, no more than what you can see in a swinsuit catalogue, no actual pics of s*x or full nudity)? Also, is it a sin to ****? please help, these are really bothering me.




  1. lol

  2. im a teenage christian and i look at hard p**n!

  3. well is a sin to use a pc in sabath. is sin to dance, is a sin to get married to a  guy/girl that is not in your same religion, i tell you from esperience every one needs religion but dont be a fanatic (because everthing you do is a sin and will be misarable, wathinc life go bye) ratther just love your neibord dont kill dont lie and help the poor thats all god really asks for.

  4. no, it is not a sin to watch soft p**n. however, it is a sin if it takes over your life. meaning, you never change the channel when it comes on, you lust after it, and you watch it a lot. thats when it becomes sin. just dont look at that stuff and you'll be fine. if it just so happens to come on and you dont look away or something, its just going to grow and become sinful. and no, ******* is not a sin. it is only when its someone who you are not married to. if your knocking up the girl next door, then you've got problems man

  5. No sin there. More of a sin to watch violence.

  6. 'Of course it's a sin. If that isn't then something else we do will be.   Jesus died because he knew we would be sinners.  We can't help ourselves, he knew it and he died on a cross for us.  Accept that we are all sinners and get over it.

    On a different note, biology and religion don't need to be separate.  Watching p**n, masturbation, having s*x are all biological functions.  We can't control the desire God gave us to engage in them any more than a cat can control how it responds when you tease it with a string;  A gift God gave a cat so it could eat. Let me ask you this:  Why on earth would God give you such a strong desire to sin.  The answer is IT'S NOT A SIN.  It's is hard wiring He put in our brains to insure man would reproduce and all the science in the world supports this.  There is a biologist out of Philadelphia, Timothy S. Perper, who has documented a "mating dance" that humans go through when a man and woman meet and ultimately become involved with each other.  At last count it was 9,000 hours of documentation.  That mating dance has been observed across all cultures, continents and societies.  I submit that as proof that some of our behavior is hard wired into our heads and we cant control it.

    Originally I wrote this for another post but I think it is applicable here: Guilt is unproductive and it is caused by society, the church or parents trying to tell you how to live your life. That's not ok with me until they are willing and able to live with the consequences of what they are telling you to do. Granted, there are a lot of things your parents tell you to do that you shold do but making you guilty isn't one of them.  Life is like a coin: you get to spend it any way you want but you only get to spend it once. Spend it the way you want. Not the way everyone else wants you to. They have their own coins. It's ok to listen to their opinions and , in the case of parents take their orders, but don't feel guilty if you decide their opinions on stuff like this is totally bogus.

    I've included a link to Perper's work but I don't suggest you buy it.  It is probably doctoral candidate material.  I have trouble reading it and my vocabulary is remarkable.

    [Late edit.] Let me go on record here. Nothing that has to do with s*x is a sin.  It might be irresponsible but certainly not a sin.

  7. church will say yes. But I think it is natural and normal, it is harmless entertainment, so enjoy yourself masturbation is normal and should be enjoyed every one does it and I do mean every one so enjoy that too, do not allow it to bother you. as that is what every well adjusted human does.

  8. For  people who believe in any religion yes is is everything that has to do with that mention before. For a psychologist this is normal and acceptable if is done periodically.

  9. Sinnerr!! You're going to h**l! x)

    I know christians who shag,swear,do drugs everything.

    god (not that i believe in him) ment for you to enjoy life not spend it all the time praying.

  10. Absolutley NOT! People were made to have s*x, engage in sexual activity, m********e, and reproduce.

    Watching p**n is just an extension of these behaviors.

    I blame the media and religion for making us think these things are sins. They are NOT sins and never will be.

    I equate a person's s*x drive to their hunger drive. Imagine not eating for a very long time? That wouldn't feel too good right? But when you eat, you feel full and satisfied afterward. Just like when you have s*x, m********e, watch p**n, or whatever.

    Imagine frowning upon somebody for eating?

    For those of you in a relationship...

    I once caught my girlfriend watching p**n videos on and she was really embarrassed at first. Now it's a part of our relationship. I wish she had just told me and not tried to hide it. You should always be open and honest about your s*x habits when you're in a relationship.

    People really need to be more accepting of each other's needs. So go have s*x, watch p**n, and enjoy yourself buddy. Life is too short.

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