
Is it a sin if a muslim girl...?

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is it a sin if a muslim girl doesn't follow her dress code but doesn't wear extremely revealing clothes? if it is how serius a sin and will she go to h**l? and is it a sin if a muslim girl marries a muslim guy after he converts? is it a sin to kiss? not that i did any of these things just curius. if a girl does all these things will she go to h**l? if yes then that seems so unfair...because the way my relatives taught me my religion they make it seem so hard for girls.




  1. Mankind has walked the earth and thrived on it for hundreds of thousands of years.  I find it hard to believe that "sin" only became an issue after the Bible and the Koran were written (by moral men).  Only the Judeo-Christian-Muslim line of beliefs thinks anything is a "sin."  I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.  If God or Allah is just, He alone knows what is in your heart.  And if He isn't, then who cares what He believes or expects of us?

  2. h**l is a myth -- as are the various supposedly divine books -- none of them are scientifically accurate.  The Abrahamic faiths are not based on some divine truth -- but on the works of men -- each book reflects the knowledge of the day in which it was written.  A book written by God (by whatever name) would be without error, perfect, and would not need apologists.

    Do as YOU will.  There is no h**l waiting for you if you don't.  Be whole.


  3. sounds like U R already in "h**l" !!!

  4. Listen gal, lighten up!! Lose the sin culture, nothing bad is gonna happen to you and nothing is a 'sin'.......

    It must be very hard for you to question these things when your culture, family are so 'harsh' the end of the day the choice is your's but please rest assured, nothing bad will happen to you or your family if you do any of the above.

    Your family might want to use it as a threat to worry you but, nope nothing bad will happen, i can really assure you of this.

    Good luck my friend, be strong, brave and do what feels right for you :)

  5. Yes, it is a serious sin for Muslims, male or female, not to dress as required by Islam.

    If you mean, marrying a Muslim who apostates before marriage, then yes, marrying him is a serious sin.

    If you meant, marrying a non-Muslim  who, before marriage, honestly accepts Islam and practices it, then there is no problem in marrying him.

    It is not a sin to kiss. Rather, it is encouraged. What is unlawful is kissing or touching a member of the opposite s*x who is not closely related to you (i.e. is not your Mahram).

    Sinning and going to h**l are two separate and distinctive issues.

    In Islam, sins are of two kinds, minor and major.

    (1) Minor sins are those that Allaah forgives if you pray five times daily, fast in Ramadaan, etc. However, persistence in a minor sin could make it into a major sin.

    (2) Major sins are those that require Tawbah, which is to repent and seek Allaah's forgiveness and feel shame and remorse for sinning and resolving not to commit that sin again. Allaah has promised punishment in the Afterlife for major sins, provided one hasn't already repented.

    However, Allaah can also forgive all sins, minor or major, for anyone He wishes, provided that the person is free of the unforgivable sin, Shirk (associating partners with Allaah and disbelief).

    Therefore, it is not allowed to declare regarding any person that he will go to h**l, since Allaah might just forgive all his sins.

  6. Well, yeah ... according to the Qur’an it is. It's also wrong for women to think they're equal to men, according to the Qur’an. I'm not saying I agree with that, but yeah, that's just how it is according to your religion.

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