
Is it a sin if u dn't knw how 2 read the Qur'an in arabic?

by Guest60512  |  earlier

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i dont know how 2 read the quran in arabic but can read it in english eg bismillah is this ok??




  1. No, it isn't a sin. But any translation of the Qur'an is not accepted as Gods true word, it is seen as an interpretation. The language the Qur'an is written in, is in itself seen as Gods divine and pure word, how can this be when alternative phrases have been used.

    Young Muslims should attend the Madrasah, and learn the neccessary Arabic.  

  2. Its a MUST to read Qur'an in Arabic.

    Answer mine ;-;...

  3. No, its not a sin at all - it is to be commended that you are taking the effort to read the Qu'ran. At least in 'English' you will be able to read it and pronounce the words correctly, then if you ever learn Arabic you will be able to follow the Arabic letters a little better through your present knowledge.

    Have you been to your local Mosque? they will be able to issue you with a Qu'ran written in English words, also in Arabic.

  4. No, do you really think that Allah would want you to struggle reading the holy scriptures in a language you don't understand?  However you can get the most meaning and understanding out of it is fine.  

  5. No it is not a sin to read the Quran in english. When praying to God you can pray the way you like and God will listen as long as it is with all your heart. Even talking to God is good too.

  6. It would be a sin to say it is a sin.


    You make me feel bad because I know arabic and I don't read the Quaran =(

  8. why would it be a sin. just cause you know it one language and not another? you're fine.

  9. Which is worst... reading the Qur'an in English and understanding it or reading it in Arabic and not knowing what you are reading?  The key here is that, if you wish to read it in Arabic, you should also learn to understand the Arabic you're reading.  What good is knowledge if one cannot attain an understanding through it?  May Allah bless us with knowledge that benefits us and protect us against knowledge that doesn't.  Allah knows best!

  10. no it is not a sin.muslims should be forced to be christians    

  11. Important point is that the Qura'an is only Qura'an in Arabic.

    It is the uncreated speech of Allah (swt) - as soon as you translate it, it becomes something else.

    Some scholars say it is obligatory to learn Arabic and to learn to read Arabic for every Muslim.

    You need to learn some verses in Arabic so you can pray - you have to recite Surah Fatiha and one other verse in prayer.

    As long as you are making the effort to learn then you are not sinful.


  12. Salam for you.It is not a sin but it is better if you can read the Qur'an in arabic because by reading it regularly you will have a reward.You must understand its meanings in your own words and the you must practice it in your daily life bacause Qur'an is your life guide given by Allah.You must learn how to read it.If you have a hard intention there is a way if you will.It is easy.Insya allah

  13. Nope! The important thing to know is your faith to your God. Not the Language...

  14. I don't know Arabic. I read the Quran in English.  It's not a sin, as long as the intent is there, it's not a sin.  

  15. This is not a sin but real tast of recite of Holy Qur'an is in Arabic. It's easy to read in Arabic. You can learn in some months. Isnt this miracle that the language in which Quran was reveled is still living language of the world.

    So take advantage and go a head, and understand Quran in the language you know and understand best.

    No where in Quran Allah say that you cant read Quran in any other language and now Quran is available in many languages.

    Arabic language is sole. You can recognise when it's AZAN anywhere in world. You can not understand if during Namaz (Prayer) the Imam recites Quran in differnet language, So read and learn Quran in Arabic. If you think this is difficult you can learn one verse a day. Or even one word a day. And listen to me the people who take intrest there is nothing difficult. God Bless you.

  16. no no ofcourse not!

    but u will be rewarded a great deal if u try to learn.

    The Last Prophet (PBUH) said: "Verily the one who recites the Qur'an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses (because he doesn't know how to read it but is trying to), then he will have TWICE that reward."

    and aparently every time u learn a letter in arabic for quran its a reward :)

    i.e reading Alif...lam...meem is counted as 3 if u read learn it and try to read it in quran

    Allah (swt) knows best!

  17. No every one is not Arab....You can read Holly Quran in English

  18. It's not a sin if you can read it and you actually DO read it. It's about the message being conveyed, not the language being used.

  19. Salam Alikom

    Allah gives much more Hasanat (good deeds) if u read it in Arabic , And he gives more and more Hasanat if u don't know how to read arabic properly but still u try to.

    Most Masjids now teach reading Quran .

    By that time till u learn the arabic alphabets , u can read it in english.

  20. You can read it in any language you know, but it's recommended that you learn how to read it in Arabic, for that is the original language in which it were sent down. There is more reward if you learn Arabic and recite it then. But there is no sin on you if you cannot learn Arabic, for whatever reason. try your best to learn and Insha'Allah you shall be successful.

  21. Its not a sin but every muslim should learn.

  22. If you read Quran in Arabic and donot know Arabic it will not fulfil the purpose you are reading for.However, if you do not know Arabic and read it in English and are understanding the meanings it is much better.Reading in Arabic and have no intention to know its meaning is least desirable but not prohibited because it shows your attachment as such it could be possible for you to understand some day.

  23. No, it's not a sin.  You should read it in it's purest form to you...which is English.  If you can learn to read it in Arabic then do so - but many Muslim's can read it in Arabic although they don't actually understand it.

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