
Is it a sin to drink wine?

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I drink wine to sleep at night. Is it a sin to drink wine?




  1. No, I don't think drinking wine is a sin. Unless it's drinking wine to get drunk or drinking wine in excess.

  2. nope, it's all in the Bible!! =]]

  3. you're forgetting jesus's first miracle, and that for Eucharist- the blood of christ is wine.

  4. Sadly, and I hate to be contrarian with the rest of the responses, but yes. It is a terrible sin and you will end up burning forever for wasting a sacrament.

    Bottoms up!

  5. If Jesus can do it..........then so can I! (and you..)

  6. If it's a sin, then there are a lot priest in h**l!!!!

  7. since you drink wine at church when you first join (sorry i dont know the technical term), i really doubt it

  8. no not at all,drink all you want

  9. People ask this from time to time, I like to copy/paste in an answer I gave once.

    Have you ever heard the saying/passage, it is not what goes into a man, but what comes out of him"? (Mark 7:15) You can't lose salvation just because you drank a beer. The alcohol entered your belly, but it doesn't change your heart. If God didn't want us drinking, he wouldn't have made alcohol.

    I don't mean that God wants us ripped all the time. The bible does speak of parties, and as someone already pointed out, God himself provided the wine. Certainly its ok to not only get buzzed, but drunk to. (Ephesians 2:8-9 should also put to rest the idea that dietary requirements are part of the answer to salvation.) As long as the heart/soul is "pure", that is what matters.

    Last, I'd like to point out Romans 14:14. If you view drinking as wrong, then for you it is wrong. It might not be wrong for someone else, because in his/her heart s/he doesn't view it as wrong. If you don't think God wants you drinking, then don't do it. (at the same time, don't preach that God wants everyone to be sober.)

    Wow, I guess I did learn something from my Jewish/Christian upbringing.

    In short, drinking something isn't going to condemn you to h**l.  At the same time, if you view it as wrong, you are best off not doing it.

  10. Not a sin as far as I know.

  11. Well drinking wine is not a sin. I do not know if you are religious, but in some religions they prohibit to do so, but I don't see it as a sin, Jesus drank wine, he even turned water into wine, so don't worry.   Besides drinking one glass of wine a day it's good for your health, you will have less risk for cardiovascular disease.

  12. It's not a sin. As long as you drink no more than four bottles a day.

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