
Is it a sin to go to the casino?

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i went to the casino and won 14,500, I've been to the casino about 6 times in my whole life. I gave a friend of mine 100 dollars, she said she couldn't except the money because i won it at the casino. she said it was dirty money. she is baptist. what do you think of this?????

Mary t.




  1. no

  2. Well, I can understand some people are against gambling, but only if you make a habit out of it.   I would not give her anymore money if you win again.  Whats the big deal.  Go out have fun, and enjoy yourself.

  3. Your friend is a r****d. Gambling isn't a sin unless it violates your beliefs. A sin is a taboo against your religious beliefs. Not another persons religious beliefs. It can be a s in according to theirs but not to yours. It is a matter of perspective.

  4. I'm a Christian and I believe that you shouldn't gamble.  HOWEVER, I don't think there is anything wrong with spending money at a casino as long as it's for fun and you don't spend more than you intend.  The Bible says gambling is a sin.  But everyone is entitled to pay some money for a fun time.  Losing money on a game is okay as long as it's all in fun.  Winning money is a bonus.  I consider it gambling when you start feeling guilty about how much you have spent.

  5. h**l no. i wish i won 14,500...

    i went and won ninety.


    dirty money? of course it's dirty. money is very germy!

  6. Congrats!!

    PS Baptist think everything is a sin...

  7. nope

  8. Mary, you only live once. you went to the casino to have fun, you did it, and won. then you tried to share a bit of luck and was rejected. her loss, your gain. keep having fun for yourself.

  9. nope was just there last night and lost $300

  10. Lucky you.  There are no "sins", we are unbridled in life. Enjoy the money, or give it to me.

  11. NOT AT ALL! some people may even say it was a gift from God, if you won more money with the money that you have honestly earned, then you deserve that money, and if your friend does not want to take a generous gift then that is their issue. Not very many people can win a large amount of money, everything happens for a reason, if you are honestly that worried about the money, do something great with it, but if you need the money then do not let anyone make you feel bad about the gift you received!

  12. It is clearly a sin in the Bible to gamble.

  13. She's ridiculous.

    But hey, you saved yourself $100!

    If she wants to be judgmental, than that's her issue...enjoy your winnings.

    Gambling can be fun and harmless if you don't get out of control, and I don't think you are a gambling addict Mary--so don't even sweat it!

  14. i'll tell you 10 pros and 10 cons of casinos


    1. you are entertained

    2. you can potentially become rich

    3. you can get complimentary rooms/food

    4. you can meet people

    5. you can go to shows/concerts/live music and enjoy the music

    6. you can look at pretty things, most casinos look very classy and have luxury

    7. people there are generally friendly

    8. you have chips in your hand, i guess that's a cool feeling

    9. supposedly some of the profits go to the government for programs and cut taxes for taxpayers

    10. it creates jobs


    1. it can be very addictive

    2. it can ruin your life and other peoples life around you

    3. it can make you broke or beyond broke

    4. it usually makes the general population surrounding the casino poorer because locals lose money consistently from the casino

    5. people can follow you from the casino and find out where you live and probably pose a threat to you

    6. if you win a big jackpot over 1199 you have to pay taxes on it

    7. you'll never understand yourself anymore, you'll be confused on why you keep going back, it's an invisible addiction, beyond your frame of thought, it's as hidden as the heat vapors in a microwave or a cell phone radiowave

    8. the odds are against you in every single game there

    9. less than 20% chance of you walking out a winner

    10. the poker movement the past 7 years or so thanks mainly to espn world series of poker.....this created problems for many teens and 20 year aged young adults, the "negreanu, matusow, cunningham, brunson, helmuth, ivey, etc etc characters created this artificial environment that you can be like them, sorta successful at life and very successful at playing poker, the reality is......they would all be broke if they weren't on tv and getting promotions all the time.......look up stu ungar and see how his life turned out, i'm sure most professional poker players heard that name before

  15. I think that it is a sin not to go!  But then again I have a problem : ) (sorry couldn't resist)

  16. I think it's ok =] you can go to casion again..why not ;] you don't have to care about her opinion about casino money..You played - you won ;))

  17. No you dont have a gambling problem... you  are not sinning your friend needs a reality check seriously JEESUS!!!

  18. its not a sin to me but its depends on ya religion deferent in all

  19. if you feel real bad I'll tell you where to mail it......

  20. i don't like baptist beliefs, a sin is when you knowingly do a wrong against god, and i don't see how gambling does any wrong against god. besides, even if it is a sin, then you didn't know, so you didn't do any sinning. enjoy your money!

  21. I think she's a moron and I will take your extra hundred bucks.

  22. no of coure not ...just dont buy a hooker and then it will be one

  23. Hmm, I bet her church would take the money. Congrats on winning but just remember...casinos werent built on winners....Take the money and run!

  24. i think your friends nut,you were going to GIVE  her the 100 and she said it was dirty money,h**l your not a drug dealer you just have some good luck,next time you wanna hit the casino i'll go with ya,i live so close to casino niagra and i have never won big but i always leave ahead.i love gambling!i think your very nice for the offering,next time you win don't even tell her,and certain;y don't offer her money.good luck,and enjoy your winnings.

  25. From a general Christian perspective, gambling in itself is not a sin; its the addiction that often accompanies gambling that can become a sin. Now, maybe in your friend's religion/church or her upbringing, she was taght that all gambling is evil, a sin, the same way Christians were influenced to believe all s*x was evil many years ago. You didn't do anythign wrong, and you dont have a gambling problem so I wouldn't worry. Your friend simply has differnt values than you, which in my opinion, are outdated.

  26. maybe you should ask a pastor, or in the religion and spirituality section in "society and culture"

  27. gambling is a sin if it's caused by greed.  investing is the way to go.

  28. No it is not a sin. Just don't get hooked.

  29. Not a sin, especially if you won

  30. maybees if u eat the talking bees because i am george washington christ.e5 7iud

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