
Is it a sin to have premarital s*x...?

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if ur divorced and sleeping with a new boyfriend?




  1. Yes.

  2. According to most theists, it would be a sin.

    I'd have to disagree with that, though. Marriage doesn't physically change anything--it's more of a social contract. Yes, there's the exchange of rings and the bankrupting party, but, really, marriage is no more binding than a contract. And marriage is something that was created by humans.

    However, I would doubt the wisdom of sleeping with a new boyfriend...but, hey, it's your life, do as you want to--it's between you and him, not you and the church.

  3. having s*x without marriage is the most sinful thing u could matter what ur status divorced or a widow .if u're not married then u're committing a great sin.

  4. There's no such thing as sin. It was an idea invented to control people.

    As long as you do it safely, who cares? Marriage is about more than s*x and procreation (or at least it should be), so if your man can't stand the fact that you're not a virgin, leave him: he's not good enough for you, I'd say!

  5. Some religious dogmas insist that there is no such thing as divorce.

    Others insist that sexual congress is strictly for creating offspring.

    Some here have quoted biblical passages that insist "s*x" is for one man and one woman, but other passages praised Ruth for her relationship with another woman, which was said to transcend that of a relationship with a man. It is vague about the details. But apparently g*y women were not such an issue that g*y men were, at least according to Leviticus (which arguably is just in reference to "Levites" or Priest Class" among the Jews, who were held to many "different standards"). There are praises about Solomon, said to be Godly, but he had hundreds of concubines with whom he sired children. So apparently it's okay if you are rich. Of course, the Bible has no concept of a stable, committed relationship between g*y people, so you have to take in perspective of the known culture of the time. Little of which applies to the more-complex societies we live in today, but some of which does. The hard part is where to draw the line, and clearly a lot of people confer upon themselves the right to draw it for you. I do not.

    My advice is 1) follow your heart ; 2) do it only if you feel right about it; 3) take your own values (religious or otherwise) into account when making such a decision; 4) don't beat yourself up too much for having moments of weakness. There are lots of worse "sins" than being with someone you feel strongly about, but consider the needs of others around you.

  6. h**l, no!  That's about the only way you're gonna have s*x and enjoy it.  Gawd knows that once you get married all that goes to h**l

  7. Yes.  Stop it now.

    If you want a good marriage, wait for the ring.

  8. Yes.  The Bible talks alot about that.  

  9. For the first 1950 years of Christianity it has not been OK and viewed as  a sin by all Christians. Recently some Christians a tiny minority in fact had come to a new understanding of what the scripture really says. You have wonder why these truths have evaded all of Christianity and been revealed only to those that needed to be comfortable with their behavior. Don't let convenience be the mother of your morality.  

  10. Yep, and unwise in the short term too.

  11. according to the bible any premarital s*x is a sin.. however god forgives us of our sins..and in this day and age, I think its more common than it used to be

  12. Yes, it is fornication.

  13. Hebrews 13:4  Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

    1 Corinthians 7:2  Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.  3  Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband.  4  The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.  5  Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

  14. There is not one of us who gets through one day without sinning. Weather in deed or thought. Sin is sin, regardless of what commandment is broken. God accounts us all as sinners, if we say we have no sin, we lie, which is in itself a sin. The law has been fulfilled, and the two Jesus gave us (love God and your fellow man), is what we should strive for. Love covers all sin, and love does not fail.

  15. No, s*x is not a sin. Marriage is an artificial social construct, how can you define when you sin by such a thing?

    EDIT - correction of spelling

  16. Yes,  it is called fornication, plus adultery . You are still considered married till death do you part.

  17. The concept of sin is void.  There is nothing wrong with s*x.

  18. No, just unwise.

  19. It is wrong to have s*x before you are married. It is wrong to have s*x with someone you are not married to.. so yes, being divorced and sleeping with a boyfriend is a sin.  

  20. s*x is not a "sin", unless it is non-consenting, or with an under-aged partner.

    Besides, who cares what the sky-fairy thinks?

  21. Yes.  The Bible calls it fornication and speaks against it all throughout the Bible.

  22. No, there is no such thing as sin.

    s*x is better when there are feelings and always use protection.

  23. yeah, you can always repent and get a std test

  24. Absolutely.

    Exodus 20:14 "You shall not commit adultery."

    It is the seventh commandment.

    Hebrews 13:4 "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for God will judge the immoral and the adulterous."

    There are hundreds of scriptures in the Bible pertaining to adultery.

  25. Yes, premarital s*x is not what God intended. Having s*x was intended for married people of different genders only.

  26. according to Christians ANY s*x before marriage is a sin, hence premarital s*x

    if you're divorced another sin too

  27. It's is condemned to sin because it is a generally a carnal pleasure and takes away from the most important part of the relationship.

  28. s*x is a gift to be enjoyed only between a married man and woman. (1 Thess 4:3)

  29. Yes.  God calls it adultery.

  30. Yes, definitely. My wife and I did before marriage although we are Christian. But we are all human and only God is perfect. It is what He expects to happen! That's why there is forgiveness

  31. yes. but God loves you and will forgive you of your sin. he created s*x for marriage because it's pure in love. You don't have to compare your husband with other men or wonder if he will cheat on you if he has stayed pure. The same works for women. If you give your purity as a gift to your husband and vice versa, there's no regret.

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