
Is it a sin to make adult videos within the confines of marriage?

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If, for example, we were trying to save up money and start a family. Two birds with one stone, right? It's not like we're engaging in extramarital activity..




  1. This is so absurd.  Of course this would be wrongdoing--we go by Social Teachings, "the ends CANNOT justify the means."  So, hypothetically, the monies you'd get form making a movie would be illegally and immorally sought and received.  Also, the ends of the movie would not be unitive and procreative, for the unity between husband and wife would be expolited by others' viewing, and the procreative--well, you would be inhibited by the idea that others might be watching you.

    I hope you never seriously considered, even, watching such a dirty thing!  They are horribly immoral!

    God Bless your marriage.

  2. it would be more sensible not too, these days privacy is a global issue, i mean you wouldn't want your children ever getting access to these videos.


  3. I guess it would determine the use for them.  For money, SIN for sure.  For owners personal arousal I would think not.

  4. No problem, if it is for your own uses. If you are planning to post them online, then you would be engaging in generating lust within another fellow human being, which is a sin.

  5. Yes cause you testin god

  6. if they are for your own personal use-- have at it! if not be careful.

  7. Are you making them for yourselves to watch or others? Odd situation but personally I would rather be with my husband than watch us with each other. Another thing to think of is what happens to these videos when you are gone? What if your children find them? Personally I think pornography objectifies the sexual act and sees it in an awful light.

  8. It is a sin because you are causing others to lust.

  9. its a sin,what if it gets in the wrong hands after you die,what would peeps think!and the act of s*x is holy,not to be mocked!

  10. what confines you mean? Bonds?

  11. tricky!!! if the husband and wife make the movie for there enjoyment only ,i would say go for it. but if your intentions are to sell them or have other people watch them i would say are causing another person other than your spouse to lust after you . and this is an absolute sin.

  12. Well, as long as you are doing it with your spouse, you probably wouldn't be violating the Bible.  But, if you sell them to other people, then you would be encouraging those people to lust, which is a sin (according to some people).

    As for me, I couldn't care less whether or not someone wants to make adult videos and sell them (to other adults).  It's no skin off my back, and it's no skin off of anyone else's back, either.  I'm just considering this from a Biblical standpoint.

  13. this is hard.

    yeah, I think so.

    don't do it!

  14. If it is for you, then go for it. If it's for others I think 'thou shalt not covet they neighbors wife' means you can't temp other either. If you mean a sin in a biblical sense yes, but I personally don't see the harm.

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