
Is it a sin to want a girl with a short skirt and a loooong jacket?

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Who mentioned adultery? Maybe I'd like to actually marry her, and have her walk down the aisle in her short skirt and looooong jacket.




  1. No... I wonder why religion tries to make something so natural seem disgusting and "full of sin".

  2. Just make sure you wear a riding coat.

  3. If they wear a loooong jacket, there is not point for the short skirt. Ergo, a FASHION sin.

  4. Great tune, and no it's not.

  5. Does she really need to wear clothes?

  6. If you like her without the skirt too, then there's no problem. LOL


    Matthew 5 : 27-29

    27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.

    28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

    29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into h**l.

    Exodus 20:14

    14 "You shall not commit adultery.

  8. d**n that's good...who is this?  I'll take two!!!

  9. What's a loooong jacket?  A life jacket?  A yellow jacket?  The green hornet?  

  10. Does she have on stockings, a garter belt, and high heels ?

  11. No, it's a virtue.

  12. course it is.  next question?

  13. Might be more of a sin, to want one without them.

  14. Only if she using the loooooong jacket to hide her kankles!

  15. What comes into your mind, you are not responsible for.  What stays there, you are.  

  16. Oh, you're SO going to h**l!


  17. um...*blank look*

    i guess the only sin committed here would be you actually "wanting" a girl :-} (for the wrong reason, of course).

    i just dont get the short skirt/long jacket thingy.......must be a!!!!

  18. Only if she were touring the facility and cutting through red tape while wearing those items.

    It might also help if she was handing out Cake!

    Mmmm...cake....*insert Homer Simpson drool here*....

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