
Is it a sin to watch rated R movies with profanity?

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I cant decide if i should stop watching rated R movies, or my favorite show the girl next door. i know it has to do with playboy and everything but i love the show and it doesnt make me want to be in playboy or the rated r movies dont make me want to shoot people and stuff like that. so is it wrong for me, as a christian to watch this stuff?




  1. It is not WRONG for anyone.  .It may well be a poor choice but nothing you will be judged for by God..Other men may judge you but never God.

  2. The Bible says "I will set no worthless thing before mine eyes." Sounds to me your watching some pretty worthless movies and that does not delight God.

  3. Only if you paid more than the matinee price to get in

  4. yes be careful what you watch. Would Jesus watch that stuff? WWJD? Ask yourself that question sometimes and you may be surprised what you shouldn't do.Would Jesus watch movies in the 1st place?

  5. Sunday  

  6. " All things to are lawful, but all things are not beneficial" 1Cor 10:23

    Christianity is not about "gotta" and "shouldn't" it's about liberation in Christ.  It would be wise to stay away from movies that will fill your mind with things that are contrary to holiness or things that prevent fruit of the Spirit to grow:










    Do not allow anything which is contrary to God gain control over your life.

  7. You cannot serve both the flesh and God

    Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.  

  8. Not ONLY is it wrong for you to watch this stuff, it's wrong for you to be watching television at all.  You, instead, should be out doing works for Christ, shouldn't you?  Shouldn't EVERY breath you take be for the Glory and Honor of His Name?  Shouldn't you be out there doing charitable works and washing the feet of sinners and turning the other cheek and not eating meat with dairy products, ham or lobster?  OH, and keeping slaves and stoning recalcitrant children as you are COMMANDED to by the Bible?

    The point here is - how much of a Christian are you?  Do you REALLY want to be a zombie whose whole life revolves around edicts by Jehovah?  Are Christians allowed to have private lives?

  9. Well, can you think of a reason why it would be?

    I mean be honest....really THINK. Why would R movies be harmful to watch?

  10. Yes.  Undoubtedly.  A Christian should not even seem to be doing evil things (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 and Romans 14:13).

    Also, what happens when you commit sin and others know about it (when you say you are a Christian)?  Read how King David committed the sins of murder and adultery in 2 Samuel, chapter 11 and chapter 12:1-19, especially verse 14.

  11. If you weren't religous, you wouldn't have to actually worry about it.

  12. ya it's wrong

  13. As long as it doesn't tear down the relationship with God. Be joyful always, pray continually, and give thanks.

  14. You know dear, as a Christian I ask myself this same question, because I watch movies like this too.  There are many verses in the bible that tell us to be careful about the things taken into our "eyes and ears".  There was something I read awhile ago, a pastor was saying, how can we ask God to purify our hearts and minds if we continue to take into them filth?

    This is such a good question and such a good point.  I would say, go to God with this, ask Him.  Seek His word and I think (we both) will come to a sure answer.

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