
Is it a stress fracture?

by  |  earlier

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I have this spot 2 inches above my ankle on my tibia that when I tap it, it hurts. Only that spot. When I press on it, my foot goes numb and it hurts a lot. However, I can walk with no problem. My running has slowed down but the pain isn't extreme in that spot while I'm running.

-I'm a frosh long distance runner. Ran long distance all year.




  1. I agree with the other 2 answerers . . . it sounds like a stress fracture because of the "point tenderness" ~ one particular area of pain/discomfort . . . you need to go to a doctor and get a bone scan, not an xray because a stress fracture usually only shows up on an xray after it's healed . . . the more you run on it the worse it can get and could possibly turn into a full-blown fracture . . .good luck

  2. What you have just described definitely sounds like a stress fracture but take my comment with a grain of salt. You need to go to the doctor or more specifically a sports injury specialist or an orthopedic. You could ask yourself if you ever took rest days or if you ever think you ever increased your mileage to much. It could also be your shoes or the surfaces you have ran on that caused this pain you are feeling now. But I would reccomend just stop running and get to the doctor as soon as you can

  3. It sounds like a stress fracture, but only a doctor can say after either an x-ray or bone scan.

    See a doctor to be sure, it is better to find out before you might do more damage.

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