
Is it a turnoff if a guy has glasses?

by Guest56257  |  earlier

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im 17 and i have glasses and i cant get contacts in. ive tried many times.. and now im having a hard time finding a girlfriend! i just think its cause of my glasses cause i work out and have abs its just the glasses may be something that turns the girls off !!?? any advise??




  1. depends.  on some people glasses add to the attractiveness.  some it takes away.  most people it just does not matter.  

  2. I think glasses are very s**y. but more importantly, you need to be confident in WHO YOU ARE. sweetie, if you need glasses and can't do anything about it, then you just have to accept who you are, what your needs are, in this case glasses and deal with it. I think that if you concentrate on being the best person you can be on the inside, someone is bound to notice you and love you for who you are by your values, morals, and character, and your good looks as well. Remember its the inside that counts and again, Ithink glasses are adoreable!!! find a pair that goes with your personality and you'll love it.

  3. you should get those dark framed glasses. you dont have to have abs to turn on a girl!! well some girls...

  4. glasses are cool, and I actually don't like guys with abs... to many muscles gross me out.

  5. nah, glasses are super cute. google me and you'll see! don't let glasses get you down! 8-)

  6. glasses are cool if ur worried then get laser eye done then no worries at all

  7. If you get cool glasses, it's not a turn-off, it's just an accessory.

    ps- you shouldn't "find" a girlfriend, just enjoy being single and a girlfriend will come to you

  8. Try to find woman who also wears glasses.... Problem solved next!

    Seriously,  try to get glasses that have the right frame and color for your face.  I wear glasses when I read cause I hate contacts and woman still come up to me and flirt...

  9. NO I love guys with glasses as long as they aren't dorks. It makes them seem smarter and i love cute smart guys lol.

    Answer mine?;...

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